Pinkie NO! by Lucy-tan
Submitted September 10, 2017 at 08:36PM by TrixieThePowerful
via reddit
My poor boy got caught up in a fence the other day after a pasture accident. Apparently a horse kicked at him and as he moved to get away, he hit a gate and got his back legs stuck in it. He had a shallow cut along his inner left leg and noticeable swelling from his stifle all the way down through his hock, lessening through his cannon bone. His right thigh on the other side became swollen as well, only from about the center of his thigh back towards his tail (think the meaty part of his leg).
He was sore the day after the accident and I wrapped both hind legs and started a bute schedule. His stall allowed him a good amount of movement after I started hand walking him short distances after a couple days of stall rest. The cut healed up nicely with some veterycin and water and the swelling on his left side (the leg almost completely swollen) has gone down. The "knot" on the other side, however has not. It's shrunk in size and has become slightly more defined and is now about the size of a lemon. It is soft and squishy and does not hurt him when you touch it. He is not lame or sore on either side.
My question is, what the heck is it and what should I do? It's been about 10 days since the accident and he has no signs of pain, but this big old knot just won't go away.
Who has built a barn with an apartment above it? How many stalls do you have, how many square feet is your apartment, and how much did it cost? I am looking at this as an alternative to buying a traditional house and boarding my mare somewhere.