Princess Showdown It's extremely unlikely to ever occur, but who do you think would prevail in a five way duel between the current Princesses of Equestria?
In this corner is the head honcho, the golden sun herself, Celestia! Celestia doesn't have many unassisted victories under her belt, and even less that didn't involve the Elements of Harmony some how, but she is widely considered to be a Princess of hidden talents and unplumbed depths of power. Even so, she often hesitated and has lost in solo duels against creatures who should have been much weaker than she was. But with control of the sun itself and thousands of years experience ruling a kingdom, she's an obvious front runner.
But before we declare the older sibling the no contest victor, we have to take the formidable force of her younger sister Luna into account. Strong, smart, confident; while she may have been stripped of her dark powers, Luna has always come off as the more militant and battle ready sister. Guarding the dreaming of her subjects from nightmares on a nightly basis has surely given her plenty of combat training that most of the other Princesses lack. While she has also suffered her share of defeats, her control over the moon and her dream walking abilities would make her a difficult foe to content with.
Then of course we can't forget the pony who defeated Nightmare Moon along with many other threats against Equestria, Twilight Sparkle! As Celestia's star pupil, Twilight was a formidable unicorn, and her powers have only increased in depth and breadth since becoming an Alicorn. While she has shown a lack of combat skill (particularly she is a bad aim) she has a wealth of knowledge that could come in handy in a competition of Princesses. Though she may not have control over any celestial bodies, she does wield the Element of Magic, and thus has a resource of power that the Royal Sisters no longer have any call upon.
Speaking of resources the other Princesses have no call on, we can't forget Princess Cadance. Even before she became an Alicorn, Cadance had the unique talent of helping ponies to fall in love with one another. As the Princess of Love, Cadance has direct influence over matters of the heart and can turn an arguement into a love fest with just a twinkle of her horn and a knowing smile. While she has the least combat experience out of all the adult Princesses, she's had very little need to fight, often relying on her protective shield spells and other magic abilities to see her through. It's also likely she can rely on her husband Shining Armor to defend her, though there is one other family member that could prove a wild card...
The last but not least Princess, Flurry Heart. A natural born Alicorn, baby Flurry Heart is a ball of raw destructive power wrapped up in a diaper. She is capable of incredible feats of levitation, insustantition, power shield spells, and torrents of destructive power. Add to this her sonic scream and penchant for throwing tantrums that threaten the peace and safety of Equestria and Flurry Heart is a formidable foe. She is however still a baby, and loves her mother and her aunt, so it's less likely she will be fighting on her own as she will be supporting one or the other. Having said that, given Flurry Geart's chaotic and mercurial nature, it's possible she can end up hurting the ones she sets out to help, and it wouldn't be hard to imagine her inadvertently coming out on top regardless of her affections.
So, who do ya got!?
Submitted July 05, 2018 at 08:29AM by TheKnackerman
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