How to be okay with just leasing again instead of owning? I had owned my OTTB for a year. I rescued him, he was completely malnourished, and had ulcers and horrible feet. It took many months of building his strength until we could start working together. Last September, I made the decision to rehome him to someone with more experience, and $$. I feel like a total failure still, as I planned to have him forever. He's in a good home now, though.
Since then, I've been so sad without riding in my life. I've gotten a huge promotion at my work and can support a lease! Although there's something inside of me that feels like I'll never be satisfied unless I own again. Something about managing my own horse, being able to see him whenever I want, and creating a training program every week. The other huge part of me says NO! Don't take on that responsibility right now. Not until you are absolutely certain this time.
So a lease will do for now. Is it possible to be satisfied in that? Maybe if it's a lease with many days throughout the week? I had leased many times prior to owning, and it was awesome. One of the horses I considered to be my heart horse, but she was a part of a therapeutic riding program, so I had little access to her. When I eventually owned, I LOVED IT!! And said I would probably never lease again, lol.
Interested to hear from some of you that have leased/ are leasing right now and how you feel about it vs owning :)
Submitted January 27, 2019 at 11:31AM by jenamoon19
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