What do you think of pony rides for kids? I am dropping in, because I am genuenly curious what your opinion of this sort of thing is.
Last night I was at a local Theme Park (Dutch Wonderland in Lancaster PA). They have an area in the middle of the park that is run by a local horse farm. My daughter (9 years old) wanted to ride. We didn't. Line too long.
I noticed they had 4 ponies. 2 being ridden and two resting.
I have been thinking about this.
Mostly when I see things like this they are attached to events that are not permanent. Maybe a local 7 day long fair. Or a weekend thing. I imagine that a local horse farm reserves a space for something like this, brings some ponies in for a few days and then then ponies end up back with there familiar herd.
I would think that this is a bit of a win/win. Kids have an easy way to be exposed to this activity and the rancher/farmer makes a bit of money.
But that isn't this.
This was a theme park that probably has these people contractually obligated to be open and available every day that the park is open.
Like I said I am just a normal guy. I have no agenda to push. I am curious what people that live and breathe and love these animals think about this sort of thing.
Submitted October 22, 2017 at 12:32PM by sample_size_of_on1
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/Horses/comments/781zpz/what_do_you_think_of_pony_rides_for_kids/?utm_source=ifttt