Advice please... I bought an 8 year old gelding this spring. I understand building a relationship takes time. But things seem to be getting worse instead of better. He has become progressively harder to catch which is super frustrating. I like to trail ride and usually have to go alone. He has gotten more nervous and spooky as time goes on. In the last month he has bolted twice on the trail. The last time was when we got back to the yard, he spooked and bolted, stopping just short of a fence:( We have had a few lessons, not as many as I'd like but funds are limited. Since the last bolt I've been limiting our rides to the arena where he always spooks in one corner. This is also getting old. I'm very conflicted, considering letting him go and trying to find a horse I can trust more. He was supposedly green broke when I got him. I'm trying hard not to let him see it, but I don't trust him and feel more nervous as time goes on. I'm 42(F) have rode off and on my whole life. I cannot afford an injury/missing work.
Submitted December 07, 2018 at 02:05PM by mapleleaffem
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