Mare urine backsplash Hi all! So I recently moved my horse from the Southwest to the Midwest. Within the first week or two I noticed something on my mare's back legs (both legs) that I thought was rain rot. I sent the pictures to an old trainer and asked him how to treat it. He said it wasn't rain rot - he said it was urine backsplash from being in a smaller stall with wooden walls. He said the best way to treat this is to clean it with soap (I use Orvus), apply MTG, then rinse off the MTG.
It's winter, it's freezing, and my mare isn't clipped so I'm weary of applying the MTG then washing it off. I don't want her to be cold. Is there any way of treating this that doesn't require me to get her wet?
Here are pictures of what's going on on both of her legs
The pictures are about a week old and I haven't interfered since taking the pictures. However now, whatever it is on her legs, aren't deep in her legs anymore. Sorry if that doesn't make sense, I don't know how else to explain it.
Edit: If the only way is to hose/wash it off, what's the best way to make sure she's completely dry before I put her in her stall? Horse ownership in below freezing temperatures is completely new to me.
Submitted December 10, 2018 at 08:08AM by spud_simon_salem
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