Sunday, February 5, 2017

Mystery lameness

Mystery lameness

So a week ago I noticed that my mare was a little off. Nothing terrible but at the trot she was ever so slightly off. There's no heat, no swelling, tenderness that we can tell but she's off.

Since then she has fluctuated between a 1-2 lameness. She almost always appears sound on soft ground (e.g. the freshly dragged arena) but off on concrete or the packed barn aisle.

She is normally in a large run outside and we think she slipped since it has been snowing/melting/muddy. We moved her into a box stall w/ mats and shavings Wednesday, but her lameness hasn't really improved.

Pulled muscle? Abscess? Pulled tendon? Should I just get the vet out or wait a couple more days on strict stall rest?

Submitted February 05, 2017 at 07:46PM by quarab
via reddit

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