Thursday, October 24, 2019

#mylittlepony - #Which FiM villain had the best song?

Which FiM villain had the best song?

Stressing that these are songs sung by FiM villains. We're not including Equestria Girls in this or the category would be dominated by the Dazzlings.

The Flim Flam Brothers - 'Super speedy Cider Squeezey 6000': Arguably the first 'villain song', though these brothers were never 'season ending' villains they were unrepentant antagonists throughout most of the series. This catchy tune made them quiet popular among both the ponies of Ponyville and the fandom at large, though they are often forgotten when discussions about popular villains come up. They also did 'Flim Flam Miracle Curative Tonic' and 'Friendship U' though neither song were quiet as catchy or popular.

Queen Chrysalis - 'This Day Aria': Probably the most famous villain song in the series, this one is a little tricky as the first half is technically a duet between Princess Cadance and the queen in green disguised as Cadance, though the grand reprise has Chrysalis belting out the second half in her own droning voice. It has style and substance and was a big part of the second half of the season 2 finale.

Discord - 'Glass Of Water': While it's true that this song is performed some time after Discord was reformed, it comes from the same season where he helps Tirek steak all the magic in Equestria, so he wasn't that reformed. As a matter of fact he's playing the role of antagonist in the episode this song appears in, though not outright villain. The song itself is more like a tongue twister than anything, but the show stopping visuals and sight gags still manage to make it memorable.

Starlight Glimmer 'In Our Town': This militaristic little marching song managed to at one and the same time to be chipper, upbeat, and completely dystopian. With Starlight menacing her almost brainwashed cult of townsfolk into shape while they sing about the glories of not competing and never trying, the most iconic line is probably 'you can't have a nightmare if you never dream' emphasizing the blasé horror of Starlight's idea of 'equality' in all of its mediocrity. Catchy tune though.

Snowfall Frost(as played by Starlight) - 'Say Goodbye to the Holiday': A bit of an accepting, this is most definitely a villain song, although it's attributed to a former villain playing the role of another villain in a holiday story. It's not really the highlight of the episode but it is kind of fun to watch Starlight grinching around and stealing the ponies Hearths Warming decorations.

Tempest Shadow - 'Open Up Your Eyes': Definitely the show stopper of the MLP movie, this was a great song with lots of pyro and dramatic cinematic angles. It also gave us some late in the game backstory on Tempest and what her origins and motivations actually are, though that is told more through the visuals than the lyrics.

Cozy Glow, Tirek, Queen Chrysalis - 'Better way to be Bad': Although Chrysalis is already on this list by herself, since Cozy Hlow and Tirek don't have a song of their own I'm counting the Trio as a single villain for this category. A fantastic and fun song that really let you get a feel for each individual villains personalities and exactly what they thought of each other. While they may have their differences, the idea of putting them aside to strike fear and misery in the hearts of the ponies fills them with an almost infectious delight. The last villain song in the series.

So what is your favorite? Which is the best?

Submitted October 24, 2019 at 07:23AM by TheKnackerman
via reddit

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