Monday, October 28, 2019

#horses - #Question about horses in stalls.

Question about horses in stalls.

So basically what I'm curious about is if you have a horse that stays in a stall for about 16-18 hours in a 24 hr period, then out side in a field grazing the rest of that 24 hr time. How much shavings (let's say bagged shavings) would you start with, how much would you take out daily, and how much would you replace it with daily?

I ask because I have a know it all pain in the ass coworker who is putting in a bag of shavings a day, yet not taking out that much. Floors are rubber matted. Seems lime a lot.

Submitted October 28, 2019 at 08:29AM by TeddyBallsGame
via reddit

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