Monday, October 7, 2019

#horses - #Need help on training an older guy

Need help on training an older guy

So I need some tips on training a 20 year old icelandhorse. He's been ours for about 11/12 years now. But we haven't used him much. In the begining I was able to ride him alone. But after our other horse got a foal, he refuse to leave the stable. As the foal then got big, she will escape if we take him away. So it turned into a lot more work just to take him out for a short ride. Keep in mind. This is my parents horses. I am more off a dog person. It was never my job to work with them. I was about 10 or 11 when we got him.

But about a week ago, we gave the "foal" away. And her mom was given away 4 years ago. So now he is all alone. I stared working with the foal before we sendt her off. And I fell in love with working with horses again. I refuse to not use him. As he is alone now, and needs company. I might not be much off a horse person. But I love animals. And I love him.

Now my questions are. Where do I start? I am 23 years old. Have been riding a lot as a kid. And a bit 2 years ago. He was a wonderfull horse before. But the reason I stopped using him, was because he got a bit dangerus to ride for a kid. He would just sprint home when he got the chance. And if he really wanted the rider off, he would lay down and roll. So I needed my mom to lead him. And with her not really having time for it. It got worse and worse. I do have a hope that since I am older, and he don't have anyone to run home to. We might be able to work as a team.

I was able to lead him for a 30 min walk today. And for now, I can't see any problems with him. He might stop a lot. But walks on when I smack my tounge. On the way home he walks all the way no stopping. But he also din't try to run off like before. I dont have a saddle for him anymore. Or a bridles. Was think to start with walks. And lunging. But that is new to me. Where should we start? When are we ready for the next step? What is the next step? What should I keep in mind so I dont ruin him?

Submitted October 07, 2019 at 05:58AM by MissiScrufflebutt
via reddit

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