Thursday, June 7, 2018

#mylittlepony - #How un-idyllic are you willing to imagine Equestria being in your headcanon?

How un-idyllic are you willing to imagine Equestria being in your headcanon?

A week ago I posted a thread speculating on the implications of an egg and dairy industry existing in Equestria, mainly to reason away that it did not necessarily mean Equestria had factory farms.

In contrast, I'm much more willing to believe other dark things implied like the show like the existence of violent criminals (the beat 'em up cutie marks of Caballeron's henchmen, the pony in Gift of Maud Pie who's looks like a mobster with a cutie mark for making people sleep with the fishes, the Breaking Bad pony from a few episodes ago, the jar of poison on the shelf in the shop in the opening of Magic Duel). Same with Slenderpony appearing in Pinkie Apple Pie. Dark pasts and dark possible futures like the Sombra war are also fine.

But the thought of an intensive egg and dairy industry made me write a post about how Equestria probably doesn't have it.

I think the line between what bad ponies you imagine in Equestria vs. what industries you imagine in Equestria is the difference between;

"Equestria has monsters" vs. "Equestria is monstrous."

We already know My Little Pony has monsters. It's been there since the beginning and is one of the things that makes it an interesting world. Adding dictators and criminals just adds more adult ponies.

But I think imagining that the entire pony population is aware of and supportive of something ugly for all the reasons we act that way in real life is a little beyond how I'd like to imagine the show.

Even something like Rainbow Factory is totally secret from the rest of the pony population, but even than, I find the hate and bigotry displayed by ponies in the story to be distasteful, and just prefer the songs with ambiguous lyrics about dark secrets or a dark past.

Edit to add: There's also the issue of how much like real life something is. Rainbow Factory is, frankly, ridiculous. Fallout: Equestria is speculative about a future that's yet to happen in both the show and real life. It's different than just imagining the same industry-related ethical messes we're aware of in our world existing exactly the same in Equestria.

What is your line for un-idyllic headcanon about Equestria?

How do you feel about the idea of factory farms in Equestria?

Submitted June 07, 2018 at 01:12PM by Crocoshark
via reddit

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