Tuesday, May 22, 2018

#horses - #Can we talk about the smells that horses produce?

Can we talk about the smells that horses produce?

I've heard some references to them before, but unfortunately I live in a part of the world without many horses and I've never been near one in my life. I've always been curious.

I want to know everything, absolutely everything. For all of the following, and any other things you can think of, could you please describe how it smells to you?

  1. Natural horse odor in a barn

  2. Smell of a horse after galloping/riding / sweaty horses smell (and how does it compare to say, human BO?)

  3. Smell of wet horse

  4. Horse urine (and how does it compare to human pee or cat pee? Does it smell different between stallions and mares and geldings? What does it smell like when it's faint when riding, or concentrated in a dirty stall, etc etc)

  5. Horse feces (all the same questions as above)

  6. Horse flatulence (again - what does it smell like to you exactly, describe it, but then also how does it compare to human farts, etc)

  7. Horse breath

  8. Horse food

  9. Thrush, when horses get that in their hooves

  10. Anything else. I want to know everything about the smell of anything horse-related.

I know it's an odd request but I really appreciate it. Thanks!

Submitted May 22, 2018 at 12:45AM by twelvemilebettermile
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/Horses/comments/8l7zak/can_we_talk_about_the_smells_that_horses_produce/?utm_source=ifttt

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