Thursday, April 19, 2018

#horses - #Need advice on treatment OCD on older horse xpost from r/askvet

Need advice on treatment OCD on older horse xpost from r/askvet

Hi, I'm looking for advice on treatment of an older horse with OCD. Most of my internet research has come up with suggestions of surgery, but sadly I don't think that is a viable option due to his age. I'm hoping that maybe someone has some first hand experience on this.

Species: Horse

Age: 19 years old

Sex/Neuter status: Gelding

Breed: Appendix (QH & TB)

Body weight: 1100lbs, built more like a TB

History: I have had this horse since he was 3, we participated in a couple local shows a year but mostly has been used for light arena work and trail riding the whole time I've owned him. About two years ago we noticed some lameness from his hind end and called the vet. The vet found bone fragments(?) and a large pocket of fluid in his stifle and was diagnosed with Osteochondritis Dissecans via X-ray and Ultrasound. The vet said he was not a good candidate for surgery as he is an older horse. We tried Steroid+hyaluronic acid shots, which helped greatly improved his stride, but he was back to his prior lameness in just a few weeks. The vet then prescribed half a pill of previcox/per day and the addition to an MSM supplement. This helped a lot with his stride as he was almost at a full stride on the affected leg and wasn't hitching out as much when he walked. Since the original diagnosis, I had limited to riding him lightly about once a week (mostly walking trails or walk/light trot arena work) just to keep him sane and get some form of exercise. I've noticed that when I don't ride him at least once a week, he takes to pacing in his turnout and then when turned out in an arena will run around and buck (and then the next day is sore from bucking & running). However, in the past couple weeks he has regressed back to his original lameness and now with a popping sound from his stifle when he walks. The original vet that had done all his previous work is now only small animal vet so unfortunately I can't have her take a look at him again. Perhaps he's developing some arthritis in his stifle at this point?

Clinical signs: lameness from stifle, "hitching" out when trotting, shortened stride

Duration: diagnosed 1.5yrs ago, managed with previcox until recently.

Links to test results, X-rays, vet reports etc: I will try to see if I can get copies of the x-rays if needed.

So my question: With surgery out of the picture due to not being a good candidate, is there anything else I can do to help out with the lameness or at least make sure he's not in pain? (At this point I guess I'm not sure if he's in pain or not either). He doesn't necessarily have to be rideable at this point and could go into retirement, but I know he would get bored. Also, I would rather not try steroid shots again if I can help if because that would be $300/per treatment and it didn't last very long. I've had a few suggestions from other barn owners about adding Buteless pellets or vinegar to his diet. If you have any other recommendations or suggestions I would appreciate it.

Submitted April 19, 2018 at 02:40PM by RileECoyote
via reddit

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