Thursday, February 15, 2018

#mylittlepony - #I feel like it's too late to join the fandom - am I wrong?

I feel like it's too late to join the fandom - am I wrong?

Hey everyone. So basically, when mlp first started airing I was only 11 and just didn't really care for mlp all that much. I didn't watch it and I didn't watch many cartoons then either in an attempt to appear "grown up" (which is bs obviously). As the series went on and grew in massive popularity, I became curious but only really saw people get mocked for liking the show, and as a 13-15 year old in highschool I was afraid of being judged for anything so I just didn't watch it. Thus, I missed out on the golden days of the fandom.

These days, I'm more mature and honestly don't give a shit about what people think of me or my interests. I saw the mlp movie and loved it - loved the songs, the animation, the characters, TEMPEST - and I can see myself falling into a rabbit hole here and joining the fandom. it worth it? I know it's not as big and loud as it used to be and I'm kinda sad that I missed all that. What goes on in the fandom these days?

EDIT: Thanks for the gold!

Submitted February 15, 2018 at 02:36AM by Foxes-in-space
via reddit

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