Friday, February 2, 2018

#horses - #Moving past fear after an accident

Moving past fear after an accident

Horrible title is horrible. I also apologize if this isn't the right place for this.

I was in a riding accident about 3 weeks ago. My green TB bolted, then bucked. I was in a jumping saddle (have only ridden dressage for the past year, haven't jumped since I was younger), so I didn't have as good of a seat as usual so I popped right off over her shoulder and landed on my head and neck. My trainer was worried I'd either be dead, or paralyzed. Thankfully, all I suffered was a decent concussion and post concussive syndrome. I was wearing a helmet, and replaced it this week.

I sent my horse to receive training while I've been benched, and my first time back on her will be this coming week. The trainer who's been working with her will be giving me a lesson, so I will be in good hands (national and world championship rider, also a USDF certified trainer). I'm also going back to my secure dressage saddle until she has more miles on her and has come farther in her training.

I've fallen many times before - but while I was in high school or younger. Falls are different at that age... not only do you bounce back fast but the fear isn't nearly the same because you still have a sense of invincibility (or that's how it was for me). Being in my late 20's, my respect for danger and risks is obviously different, and I've been suffering some anxiety about riding.

I know I either have two choices: I could sell her and quit riding, or get back on. I've chosen to get back on, but that doesn't mean I'm not nervous about it.

Does anyone have any stories, or advice, for getting back in the saddle after a bad injury or near-miss?

TL;DR: Had a riding accident, and am getting back on next week, but am anxious about it and looking for advice and similar stories.

Submitted February 02, 2018 at 02:23PM by catsinrome
via reddit

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