I watched episode 7 for the first time.
So yesterday, I posted my first impressions of MLP with the first two episodes. You can find that here: https://www.reddit.com/r/mylittlepony/comments/769ygd/so_i_just_watched_the_first_two_episodes_of_mlp/
There was some demand for updates as I saw more episodes, especially anything significant. So, this one had a dragon, which seems pretty significant. So I present to you-
My thoughts on Episode 7 'Dragonshy', AKA The episode where Fluttershy almost gets everyone killed and is generally useless (until the end).
So coming into this episode, I was instantly intrigued. A sleeping dragon threatens to cover Equestria in smoke and ash and it's up to our girls to take care of it lest their home is turned into a wasteland. Let me tell you something, that is a good fucking premise. The stakes hadn't been this high since the first two episodes and I was digging it.
So, a few things. Fluttershy, who is among the best characters so far, was unbearable this episode. That might not be a popular opinion, but it's how I felt. The rest of the team, however, was on fucking point. Especially Apple Jack and even Rarity earned some points with me when she tried to swindle a dragon out of its money to its fucking face. That was fantastic.
Apple Jack was just the MVP the entire episode, putting in work. I'm really warming up to her. On a side note I noticed, how fucking awesome must it be to be a male pony? The ratio looks like 10 females to every one male so it must be way easier to get some than it is for us humans. Alright, back to the main plot.
I was impressed about how ready to rock everyone was when they were told they gonna go evict a dragon. I really liked the team dynamic. Like I said before, Fluttershy wasn't great. What baffled me the most was how she didn't seem to mind it if SHE was almost killing her friends in a totally preventable avalanche (that was caused solely by her) but if a fucking dragon steps up?
He better back his scaly ass off, those are her hoes, he better find another damn corner. Speaking of the dragon, I loved his design. He also seemed pretty reasonable up until dash kicked him in the fucking jaw, UNPROVOKED I might add. I mean yeah, he was snoring smoke that would become an apocalyptic event but he was just sleeping.
In the end, Fluttershy employs the 'Wife-Beater' method where she gets right up in his grill for supposedly doing something wrong just by existing then whispers sweet nothings, ultimately leading to "Get the fuck out of my hood."
WHICH, another side note, just makes him someone else's problem. So, really, they're not saving anyone, they're just shoving him onto some other poor bastard.
In conclusion, liked the episode, but it certainly didn't do Fluttershy any favors. But hey, at least she's a protagonist with well defined flaws. 'Recklessness' gets pretty annoying and generic, so good on the writers for that.
Submitted October 14, 2017 at 09:30PM by TheGunNut
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/mylittlepony/comments/76gqmb/i_watched_episode_7_for_the_first_time/?utm_source=ifttt
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