Wednesday, October 18, 2017

#horses - #Kissing spine anecdotes?

Kissing spine anecdotes?

Just a disclaimer to start with: my horse is under the care of a vet. I'm just looking for some anecdotal experience.

So, my horse has been showing increasing signs of a sore back over the past couple years - resistance to being saddled and mounted, and finally bolting under saddle. It got to the point where he is unrideable. He is otherwise compliant and generally gentle.

After ruling several other things out over the past months, I finally had X-rays taken of his back. He does have clear signs of inflammation on his vertebrae.

I'm going to start with regular core exercises and conditioning on the ground (in addition to injections) to see if he shows any signs of improvement.

Anybody have stories of their experiences with anything similar? Successes? Failures?

Submitted October 18, 2017 at 05:49PM by myheartisstillracing
via reddit

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