Sunday, August 6, 2017

#horses - #My New Neigh-bors

My New Neigh-bors

I recently achieved a life long dream of getting out of the city and into the country. The main set of windows in my new house looks out over my neighbors horse pasture where a group of 4 horses and one donkey live. I spend a lot of time watching their activity and studying their personalities and I have named them as follows, from left to right.

Mostly they just do all the usual horse stuff, and maybe this is normal too, you tell me, but last night about two hours after a very heavy rain I was relaxing on my couch without any music or television. I heard a sound I'd never heard before and it took me a moment to figure out what it was, it was the sound of hoofs pounding into dirt.

It was dark outside so it was very hard to see but I went outside and peered into the darkness in the direction of the horses and saw them running full speed around their enclosure. It did not appear to me that they were running from anything, in fact it seemed like they were running for the same reason Forrest Gump did. They just felt like running.

Submitted August 06, 2017 at 10:05AM by cdawg414
via reddit

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