Monday, July 10, 2017

#horses - #Am I becoming anxious on my own, or is this actually a bad situation?

Am I becoming anxious on my own, or is this actually a bad situation?

I work at a trail horse barn. We have one trainer who is supposed to train the horses and ensure operations run smoothly.

I used to practice ground work with the horses, and asked the trainer with help doing this, thinking it was a good idea to try to get on the same page with him. I had to push hard for him to give me any assistance, he seems either reluctant to do so or did not understand what I was trying to do. Eventually he told me he didn't want me doing any kind of training with the horses, including ground manners, as it is his job, not mine. It's been about four months later, and I think I've grown increasingly anxious with most of these horses.

One of the horses has become much more dangerous to handle, and the trainer wants him that way for his own use when he rides; very few people ride or touch this horse. The trainer has a high enough skillset to handle extremely aggressive horses and seems to enjoy it. I don't have his skill level, though. If any other horse that I was leading decided to lunge at, snap at, or push into another horse like this one does, I would correct it by snatching the lead rope and pushing the horse back by any means, so it doesn't happen again and I'm in control of the horse on hand. The trainer seems not to like this. I ask him what I should do when the horse acts like this and he replied, "Ignore it."

The trainer is not training any of them on a regular basis as far as I know, though he told me every month he would start to. These horses are still being fed grain and t/a hay, but the only exercise they get has mostly been in a small riding ring when turned out, even then they only spend their time standing in the sun or roughing each other up. There's not enough room for them to kick up a good run, they frequently come in with scrapes and cuts from bumping into the fence.

Submitted July 10, 2017 at 07:26AM by HeelsDownEyesUp
via reddit

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