I had a horrific accident Saturday and may have to put my horse down. I need to get it off my chest I was taking my green dressage horse to her first show Saturday and we did excellent in our first class, getting first place! However she started to show signs of being slightly agitated as the day went on and I dumbly ignored it and tried to stay for my last dressage test. I assumed she was just slightly cranky about being away from home and would work it out as we warmed up. But as soon as I mounted she violently reared up and flipped over, landing on me and crushing my spine. I spent the night in the ER with multiple broken bones but luckily I wasn't paralyzed.
A vet on the scene gave my horse a quick exam and saw no physical reason for the rearing and said that it was a mental reason and recommended she never be ridden again. My trainer seconded the suggestion. My horse has never given me any issues in lessons before so this is very sudden and upsetting but I agree that I can't ride a horse who is so unpredictable. My parents and my trainer want to put her down but I'm trying to keep her as a companion horse for my mom's pony. I feel like I made a commitment when I rescued her and if she can just live the rest of her life peacefully in the pasture that's what she deserves.
This is just such a nightmarish situation that I never thought I'd be in. Everyone who saw the accident said my horse and I are lucky to even be alive and I'm terrified as hell to ever get on a horse again.
Submitted July 13, 2020 at 06:57AM by kiilluas
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/Horses/comments/hqeruj/i_had_a_horrific_accident_saturday_and_may_have/?utm_source=ifttt