I empathize with Chrysalis' decision to refuse Starlight's friendship To be clear, Chrysalis is still very much a villain. She ruled oppressively with an iron fist, was power hungry to the point of starving her subjects, and was a ruthless invader who (according to the comics) laid waste to several civilizations around Equestria.
With that said, we should consider her perspective from the season six finale: she came up with a brilliant military strategy to best empower her and her people by abducting all royalty and the element bearers, so they could feed on their love for generations. Even in the season two finale, she says, "As queen of the Changelings, it is up to me to find food for my subjects." Her society was productive, powerful, efficient, and militant, and the kingdom of the changelings has been stable for possibly centuries. She built the changeling society from the ground up from her sheer willpower and determination. She had loyal followers, a decent food source, and a magic absorbing throne to keep the hive safe from magical intruders. Everything was working well, and her people were powerful beyond all imagination.
And then Starlight Glimmer and her suicide squad come in and ruin everything. They destroy the hive's defenses (the throne), free the captives Chrysalis was using for food, destabilize the kingdom, turn Chrysalis' people against her and usurp her power, and leave a wimpy, inexperienced, and ineffective leader in her place. Then when all is said and done, she is alone in the ruins of what once was a great and powerful civilization with literally everyone ready to fight her. And this is all (mostly) because of Starlight Glimmer. All things considering when looking at it from this angle, Starlight has a lot of nerve to even attempt to be her friend. Any sane person put in this position would have a burning desire to do anything in their power to enact revenge. It wouldn't make sense for Chrysalis to accept Starlight's friendship.
Submitted January 30, 2020 at 06:59PM by Rage-o-rama
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/mylittlepony/comments/ewgtc7/i_empathize_with_chrysalis_decision_to_refuse/?utm_source=ifttt