Friday, January 31, 2020

#mylittlepony - #I Drew the AJ at the wonderful time of 3am a couple nights ago, then i turned it into this masterpiece.

I Drew the AJ at the wonderful time of 3am a couple nights ago, then i turned it into this masterpiece.

Submitted January 31, 2020 at 07:44PM by PrinceLionel
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#horses - #Don't mind the dirty shirt I hit the dirt earlier 😂 (omg it rhymes )

Don't mind the dirty shirt I hit the dirt earlier 😂 (omg it rhymes )

Submitted January 31, 2020 at 08:43PM by Ella-Fuscoxx
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#horses - #My 6yo wanted to learn to ride horses. So I told her she had to learn to take care of them. Doesn't seem to be an issue.

My 6yo wanted to learn to ride horses. So I told her she had to learn to take care of them. Doesn't seem to be an issue.

Submitted January 31, 2020 at 08:06PM by Random_Redditor_KY
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#mylittlepony - #No. No context for you

No. No context for you

Submitted January 31, 2020 at 05:07PM by Inexperienced__128
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#horses - #At this very moment of trying to figure out what is causing behavior issues in a clients horse, I realized I may actually die and this is how it ends ! Good thing I held on !

At this very moment of trying to figure out what is causing behavior issues in a clients horse, I realized I may actually die and this is how it ends ! Good thing I held on !

Submitted January 31, 2020 at 06:39PM by sburristx1
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#mylittlepony - #[No Context Friday] Dharling!

[No Context Friday] Dharling!

Submitted January 31, 2020 at 04:19PM by slabs37
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#mylittlepony - #In all seriousness though it's appreciated.

In all seriousness though it's appreciated.

Submitted January 31, 2020 at 03:18PM by Ummdustry
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#horses - #My Buddy literally he makes my heart so happy

My Buddy literally he makes my heart so happy

Submitted January 31, 2020 at 05:19PM by BrenBean87619
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#horses - #He finally put his ears forward and looks cute... and he’s lying in a pile of poop 🤦‍♀️

He finally put his ears forward and looks cute... and he's lying in a pile of poop 🤦‍♀️

Submitted January 31, 2020 at 05:28PM by Runningincircles_
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#mylittlepony - #[No Context Friday] Tiny Tempest

[No Context Friday] Tiny Tempest

Submitted January 31, 2020 at 01:52PM by beavernator
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#mylittlepony - #That's a Lot of Floof! [artist: Share Dast]

That's a Lot of Floof! [artist: Share Dast]

Submitted January 31, 2020 at 02:38PM by Seltonik
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#mylittlepony - #Orbital Eyes

Orbital Eyes

Submitted January 31, 2020 at 01:35PM by PianoCube93
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#horses - #A horse is the projection of peoples’ dreams about themselves – strong, powerful, beautiful – and it has the capability of giving us escape from our mundane existence

A horse is the projection of peoples' dreams about themselves – strong, powerful, beautiful – and it has the capability of giving us escape from our mundane existence

Submitted January 31, 2020 at 02:11PM by R3D1G18
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#mylittlepony - #[No Context Friday] idk what to say

[No Context Friday] idk what to say

Submitted January 31, 2020 at 11:22AM by slabs37
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#horses - #Meet Outlaw... but I call him Arthur. He’s ornery, naughty, way underweight, and hates everyone at my barn except me. He’s owned by my barn owner who intended to flip him and wants to give him to me. Remind me again, Reddit, why I don’t need to take on a skinny project in the middle of winter?

Meet Outlaw... but I call him Arthur. He's ornery, naughty, way underweight, and hates everyone at my barn except me. He's owned by my barn owner who intended to flip him and wants to give him to me. Remind me again, Reddit, why I don't need to take on a skinny project in the middle of winter?

Submitted January 31, 2020 at 12:34PM by AinslieSt
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#mylittlepony - #[no-context Friday] HUGS!

[no-context Friday] HUGS!

Submitted January 31, 2020 at 11:09AM by ParaspriteHugger
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#mylittlepony - #[No Context Friday] blink

[No Context Friday] blink

Submitted January 31, 2020 at 09:48AM by slabs37
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#horses - #Dressed up my horse for the holidays a while ago. She helps me through my PTSD from the military!

Dressed up my horse for the holidays a while ago. She helps me through my PTSD from the military!

Submitted January 31, 2020 at 10:47AM by mbyrne628
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#mylittlepony - #[No Context Friday] Ducklestia by Pencils

[No Context Friday] Ducklestia by Pencils

Submitted January 31, 2020 at 08:57AM by Torvusil
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#mylittlepony - #I made a huge Ocellus! She has wings under her ladybug bits and jewel sparkles on her mane! She’s over 24 inches!

I made a huge Ocellus! She has wings under her ladybug bits and jewel sparkles on her mane! She's over 24 inches!

Submitted January 31, 2020 at 08:35AM by Hibiscus_Stitch
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#horses - #My baby crossed the rainbow bridge yesterday. I only knew him 9 months but he healed me in ways I never thought possible. I feel like a part of my heart has gone with him. Colic is a bitch.

My baby crossed the rainbow bridge yesterday. I only knew him 9 months but he healed me in ways I never thought possible. I feel like a part of my heart has gone with him. Colic is a bitch.

Submitted January 31, 2020 at 02:48AM by madshores
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#mylittlepony - #[No context Friday] Sweet Home Alabama

[No context Friday] Sweet Home Alabama

Submitted January 31, 2020 at 08:02AM by somefewducks
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#mylittlepony - #Women sit down and watch time, energy, and equality fall into their hooves. August, 1908. Colourized.

Women sit down and watch time, energy, and equality fall into their hooves. August, 1908. Colourized.

Submitted January 31, 2020 at 06:46AM by Inexperienced__128
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#mylittlepony - #[no-context Friday] Revolution!

[no-context Friday] Revolution!

Submitted January 31, 2020 at 04:56AM by ParaspriteHugger
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#horses - #This is a pastel drawing I have just finished, and I thought this group might like to see it!

This is a pastel drawing I have just finished, and I thought this group might like to see it!

Submitted January 31, 2020 at 05:48AM by gillianussherart
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#mylittlepony - #[No Context Friday] Untitled, by PonyKillerX

[No Context Friday] Untitled, by PonyKillerX

Submitted January 31, 2020 at 04:57AM by Casketbase77
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#mylittlepony - #Ditto Luna

Ditto Luna

Submitted January 31, 2020 at 04:52AM by QABJAB
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#mylittlepony - #Young Ember

Young Ember

Submitted January 31, 2020 at 03:19AM by Victor_van_Claw
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#horses - #I've wanted a horse since I was a baby. Meet Lucas, the funny looking thoroughbred I now call my own!

I've wanted a horse since I was a baby. Meet Lucas, the funny looking thoroughbred I now call my own!

Submitted January 31, 2020 at 03:21AM by MsGeophilia
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#mylittlepony - #HERE BE DRAGONS - by Earthsong9405

HERE BE DRAGONS - by Earthsong9405

Submitted January 31, 2020 at 03:40AM by frostyuno
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#mylittlepony - #Twilights Sparkling by harwicks-art on DeviantArt

Twilights Sparkling by harwicks-art on DeviantArt

Submitted January 31, 2020 at 03:42AM by frostyuno
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#mylittlepony - #[no-context Friday] Horse Wife without Horse Wife

[no-context Friday] Horse Wife without Horse Wife

Submitted January 31, 2020 at 03:50AM by ParaspriteHugger
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#horses - #Louie my newborn foal. I'm not going to break his heart by telling him he's a little wee miniature horse not an Arabian.

Louie my newborn foal. I'm not going to break his heart by telling him he's a little wee miniature horse not an Arabian.

Submitted January 31, 2020 at 03:05AM by caitie_potatie
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#mylittlepony - #Is there anyway to fix a broken heart?

Is there anyway to fix a broken heart?

Submitted January 31, 2020 at 02:32AM by SNESSUKKA
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#horses - #Reed with a perfectly timed yawn

Reed with a perfectly timed yawn

Submitted January 31, 2020 at 01:57AM by trose4reddit
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#horses - #Many many attempts to get this picture! Nico, my 7 year old Fresian Gelding!

Many many attempts to get this picture! Nico, my 7 year old Fresian Gelding!

Submitted January 31, 2020 at 12:50AM by PoopingHedgehogs
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#mylittlepony - #Where can I find all the music?

Where can I find all the music?

Maybe I'm just being dumb but Google play only has the top like 25 popular songs

Submitted January 30, 2020 at 09:19PM by Sparkleshy1234
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#mylittlepony - #I don't ship and like CheesePie. What do you guys think?

I don't ship and like CheesePie. What do you guys think?

I feel like CheesePie is rushed, I really hate the ship, I know some people might not agree with me but in my opinion. It's rushed, it doesn't fit, I despise it. And I feel like even though you have the same interest as someone, you're destined to be with him/her. They should've at least given more episodes and more screentime to CheesePie. What'd you guys think

Submitted January 31, 2020 at 12:44AM by MallowMango
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Thursday, January 30, 2020

#horses - #Horse’s ears forward and locked on this pesky little bear, shot was taken in Yellowstone.

Horse's ears forward and locked on this pesky little bear, shot was taken in Yellowstone.

Submitted January 30, 2020 at 10:35PM by R3D1G18
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#horses - #Love this bug dude ! Time to win some Jackpots ! NTX

Love this bug dude ! Time to win some Jackpots ! NTX

Submitted January 30, 2020 at 05:36PM by sburristx1
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#mylittlepony - #How MLP helped me get out of toxic friendships

How MLP helped me get out of toxic friendships

I've been wanting to write this for a while now, and I've finally gotten up the nerve. So, WAY BACK WHEN (around 2014/2015) I was still getting into the fandom. I had watched every episode once or twice and I thought I had a good grip on what friendship really was. I was in my Sophmore year of college and on my 2nd roommate, whom I had become friends with the first year due to mutual Majors and interests. Very long story a little shorter, I was listing to "A true, true friend" and the lyrics sunk deep into me. I realized, this girl I called a 'friend', whom I confided in multiple times, wouldent actually do anything for me friendship wise. I had taken her to the hospital in the nearby town once because she had a "stomach ache" which turned into a 5 hour project for the doctors to tell her she had indigestion, brought her projects to her classes that she forgot many times, and given her rides places I was never planning to go. It was such a one sided friendship, and I hadn't realized it before that point. I ended up moving out after only rooming with her for 1 semester and slowly cutting ties with her completely after a heated argument. I know Twilight says friendships are worth working on, but that's only if the other person wants to work on it too, right? I even somehow lost my high school friend who came with me to this college to her. He was in the argument as well. I even tried to reconcile with him the summer after and I got a "OK" in reply to my very long hand written apology letter. Thank you for taking the time to read this. It's been weighing on me for quite some time now...

Submitted January 30, 2020 at 10:42PM by GotClass2013
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#horses - #My horse dolby being absolutely adorable ahh

My horse dolby being absolutely adorable ahh

Submitted January 30, 2020 at 08:47PM by ydlob_dolby
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#mylittlepony - #I empathize with Chrysalis' decision to refuse Starlight's friendship

I empathize with Chrysalis' decision to refuse Starlight's friendship

To be clear, Chrysalis is still very much a villain. She ruled oppressively with an iron fist, was power hungry to the point of starving her subjects, and was a ruthless invader who (according to the comics) laid waste to several civilizations around Equestria.

With that said, we should consider her perspective from the season six finale: she came up with a brilliant military strategy to best empower her and her people by abducting all royalty and the element bearers, so they could feed on their love for generations. Even in the season two finale, she says, "As queen of the Changelings, it is up to me to find food for my subjects." Her society was productive, powerful, efficient, and militant, and the kingdom of the changelings has been stable for possibly centuries. She built the changeling society from the ground up from her sheer willpower and determination. She had loyal followers, a decent food source, and a magic absorbing throne to keep the hive safe from magical intruders. Everything was working well, and her people were powerful beyond all imagination.

And then Starlight Glimmer and her suicide squad come in and ruin everything. They destroy the hive's defenses (the throne), free the captives Chrysalis was using for food, destabilize the kingdom, turn Chrysalis' people against her and usurp her power, and leave a wimpy, inexperienced, and ineffective leader in her place. Then when all is said and done, she is alone in the ruins of what once was a great and powerful civilization with literally everyone ready to fight her. And this is all (mostly) because of Starlight Glimmer. All things considering when looking at it from this angle, Starlight has a lot of nerve to even attempt to be her friend. Any sane person put in this position would have a burning desire to do anything in their power to enact revenge. It wouldn't make sense for Chrysalis to accept Starlight's friendship.

Submitted January 30, 2020 at 06:59PM by Rage-o-rama
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#horses - #Luna and Bella getting all tacked up

Luna and Bella getting all tacked up

Submitted January 30, 2020 at 05:53PM by grindajester666
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#mylittlepony - #Is Season 9 coming to Netflix?

Is Season 9 coming to Netflix?

It's been a while since the show ended, and it still hasn't been premiered. Does anyone know if it is still coming? I really don't want to watch it on something else.

Submitted January 30, 2020 at 03:25PM by __PibbiEclipse
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#horses - #Katonah (Kat). My sweet old lady who refuses to retire at 21. She is now a happy therapy horse for the special needs community.

Katonah (Kat). My sweet old lady who refuses to retire at 21. She is now a happy therapy horse for the special needs community.

Submitted January 30, 2020 at 02:44PM by bsbarra
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#horses - #He May be Blind, but He's Not Dead

He May be Blind, but He's Not Dead

Submitted January 30, 2020 at 04:21PM by AngBeer
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#mylittlepony - #Which MLP characters would have the highest and lowest opinions of humans respectively?

Which MLP characters would have the highest and lowest opinions of humans respectively?

It can be any character. From the Mane Six, their family members, the Princesses, and all sorts of non-pony races.

Submitted January 30, 2020 at 02:31PM by dorash
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#horses - #What breed would u say my horse is? ( her names Rita.)

What breed would u say my horse is? ( her names Rita.)

Submitted January 30, 2020 at 03:35PM by britishgirl--ishsjks
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#mylittlepony - #You get to write the script for one episode of MLP’s final series. What is the plot of your script?

You get to write the script for one episode of MLP's final series. What is the plot of your script?

It frustrates me how stupid they made Discord seem in the final series of MLP, so I'd liked to have seen an episode where he is the main protagonist to balance it out. It would still have to be set before the finale and the reveal of his idiotic plan, but I'd have liked to see Discord having a positive moment by getting summoned by the map to solve a friendship problem.

We've seen other characters without cutie marks being called by the map like Spike, so it's not as stupid a scenario as it may initially seem.

What would you guys make the plot of your own episode?

Submitted January 30, 2020 at 03:11PM by Klutzy_Draconequus
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