What I learned from getting Strangles at a boarding facility If you board, please be sure your barn manager can handle a crisis. Sadly, I learned the hard way that not having good crisis management and communication makes the situation much worse. If you barn manager is difficult on a good day, it's a clear indication that a crisis will not be handled well. Find a different barn.
Don't think it can't happen to you. My horse was properly vaccinated and still contracted it. The vaccine is not even close to 100% effective (some numbers put it at 60%).
Trust your instincts and trust your vet. There will be a lot of noise and misinformation. There will be panic. Stay focused, try to block out the noise, and do what you need to do per your vet's instructions.
People will treat you like a pariah, even you are the victim in the situation. My horse was infected by another horse on the property and many of the other boarders have turned their backs on me.
Read and understand your boarding contract. Ask questions. Don't just blindly sign it. Our barn manager terminated ours even though we have no where to go and can't leave the property because we are quarantined, thereby releasing herself from any responsibility to care for our horses when we need it the most. Specifically ask how they would handle an outbreak, what their plan is to handle one, and then make sure that plan is executed. Don't wait to have an outbreak to make a plan - its far too late by then.
Make sure you barn has a communication protocol: everyone should have everyone else's cell phone numbers and/or emails. Everyone should receive the same messages at the same time. The game of telephone is a disaster in this situation.
Good, clear and immediate communication is the key. Delays and misinformation have dire consequences.
If your horse was vaccinated the vaccine manufacturer may reimburse your veterinary expenses if your horse contracts it. Push your vet's office to pursue that.
Make sure your barn is taking over-the-top bio precautions. If you don't feel they are doing enough, step up and insist.
I hope this helps and you can all learn from my mistakes.
Submitted April 30, 2018 at 12:42PM by YouKnowYourCrazy
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/Horses/comments/8g1si4/what_i_learned_from_getting_strangles_at_a/?utm_source=ifttt