Thursday, December 12, 2019

#horses - #Hay help. PLEASE!

Hay help. PLEASE!

I got a ton of hay a couple days ago. It's really green and really thin. Honestly it looks like fresh cut grass that's been in the sun for a few hours. Im not completely new to this and I know what to look for as far as mold goes. This isn't the normal Timothy I usually get and I'm afraid it's too green for my much older mare. The outside of the bales are sun bleached so it can't be that freshly cut but damn it's green. Two bales are like this. Unless it's really dangerous, I can't justify buying another ton right now. Would they colic immediately after eating it? This is their third meal on it and so far so good.

Submitted December 12, 2019 at 08:42PM by nonya33
via reddit

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