Thursday, March 21, 2019

#mylittlepony - #General Fanfiction Discussion Thread

General Fanfiction Discussion Thread

Hi everyone!

This is the thread for discussing anything pertaining to Fanfiction in general. Like your ideas, thoughts, what you're reading, etc. This differs from my Fanfic Recommendation Link-Swap Thread, as that focuses primarily on recommendations. Every week these two threads will be posted at alternate times.

Although, if you like, you can talk about fics you don't necessarily recommend but found entertaining.

IMPORTANT NOTE. Thanks to /u/BookHorseBot (many thanks to their creator, /u/BitzLeon), you can now use the aforementioned bot to easily post the name, description, views, rating, tags, and a bunch of other information about a fic hosted on All you need to do is include "{NAME OF STORY}" in your comment (without quotes), and the bot will look up the story and respond to your comment with the info. It makes sharing stories really convenient. You can even lookup multiple stories at once.

Have fun!

Link to previous thread on March 14th, 2019.

Submitted March 21, 2019 at 05:59PM by Torvusil
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#mylittlepony - #Did Twilight raise Spike?

Did Twilight raise Spike?

She was the one who helped him hatch right? We can assume that she took care of him from there, watching over him, feeding and washing him, etc.

So wouldn't this put her in a surrogate mother kind of position?

Submitted March 21, 2019 at 08:49PM by theMeanAssTeddybear
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#mylittlepony - #This Week on the Plounge (Not a Good Week Edition)

This Week on the Plounge (Not a Good Week Edition)

Hello and again welcome to your weekly dose of 'delusional horse land': 'This Week on the Plounge' wherein I inform you, the fine folks of the mane sub, what's been going on at your favourite sister subreddit, the Plounge, this past week.

Wait, what is this Plounge you speak of?

The Plounge, or more formally the MLP Lounge is /r/mylittlepony's sister subreddit. Designed to be a place where you can free of the tyranny of rules 3 and 4. A chill place for bronies or anyone to talk in a SFW chat centric environment. It can be found over at /r/MLPLounge. (most of us browse by /new though). Oh and BPM is nice to have. Even if you're allergic to using emotes yourself you'll miss a lot of extra context without it.

What some casual conversation with a sprinkling of ponies? Come over to this introductions thread and meet some people. Don't worry there's also a topic so it ain't just "hi!" "hi" awkward silence.


  • The longest dark was the one before the first stars.


  • Sprankton is doing a classic Plounge thing, a Pokemon playthrough told via screenshots and captions. You can suggest nicknames for pokemans even, wow audience participation!

    • 51 - "Wherein We Actually Catch Them All"
  • Local movie buff OldMan frequently posts movie reviews. They're good, he knows his stuff.

Top Posts

The top 5 link and self posts, for your browsing content.

Self Posts

  • ...It hasn't been a very good week has it?
  • Here's some incite into toxic gamers, and even just toxicity in general.
  • Plounge is sort of already a secret (through obscurity) society, but there may, or may not, be many secret societies within it for specific ponies. This may or may not be one of them.
  • Condonie, the founder of the Dead Hour Thread, stops by to host one for old times'.
  • Personally, I've never seen any air pods, but to be fair I also hardly ever go outside.



(manually selected rather than just by score)

  • It's super strange how people can have such differing tastes even on just diet vs normal versions of things.

Submitted March 21, 2019 at 08:15PM by Jibodeah
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#mylittlepony - #I haven't watched the show since the end of season 3, what are the best episodes since then?

I haven't watched the show since the end of season 3, what are the best episodes since then?

Sometime during the wait for season 4 I lost interest, but recently I've felt like getting back into it. I think watched the s4 premiere though, is that when Sombra came in? Is that when Twilight became an alicorn?

I simply don't have the time or patience to watch every single episode, so could people give me some of their favorite/most important episodes post S3?

I just wanna see what's happened to everyone since then. Did the CMC get their cutie marks? Did Rainbow Dash ever join the Wonder Bolts or whatever they were called? Did Sombra ever have any relevance after that one episode? What are the best new songs?

Submitted March 21, 2019 at 03:51PM by Wschmidth
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#horses - #When Spring turns your horse into Pepe Le Pew...

When Spring turns your horse into Pepe Le Pew...

Submitted March 21, 2019 at 07:43PM by thevoodoothatyoudo
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#horses - #For those who remember Melody the Licker, heres her and her mom Hickory’s snoots!

For those who remember Melody the Licker, heres her and her mom Hickory's snoots!

Submitted March 21, 2019 at 07:21PM by geckbitch
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#mylittlepony - #it's kinda hard to see in the video, but I got an AJ dress today and decided to play "You're in my head like a catchy song" on my ukulele!

it's kinda hard to see in the video, but I got an AJ dress today and decided to play "You're in my head like a catchy song" on my ukulele!

Submitted March 21, 2019 at 09:04PM by MadMax2298
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#horses - #I was finally able to get a pic of my two boys together. I think it captures their personalities well.

I was finally able to get a pic of my two boys together. I think it captures their personalities well.

Submitted March 21, 2019 at 06:54PM by CookieRaptor
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#mylittlepony - #I know longer despise Starlight Glimmer being reformed. In, fact I'm kind of Glad she was redeemed!

I know longer despise Starlight Glimmer being reformed. In, fact I'm kind of Glad she was redeemed!

Crazy right? it only took me like 2.5 years or something? Granted I still think her motivations for turning evil were petty and pathetic.

That aside, I truly love how here redemption was handled within an arc and not just a 30 second one-and-done snap. She truly really has come a long way. It actually makes sense that her ultimate calling would be as a school guidance counciler, helping kids who are troubled, much like she herself once was.

I might as well take advantage of this opportunity to show you guys my latest art piece of Gimmy herself;

Happy Starlight Day!

Submitted March 21, 2019 at 05:57PM by SpellboundCanvas
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#horses - #What breed is your horse(s)?

What breed is your horse(s)?

Submitted March 21, 2019 at 06:06PM by damagedtrash
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#mylittlepony - #Give Filly Funtasia a Chance (uploaded by Tootsie4ever)

Give Filly Funtasia a Chance (uploaded by Tootsie4ever)

Submitted March 21, 2019 at 05:28PM by DrMaudileena
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#horses - #He already has his daddy's mane and is only 2.

He already has his daddy's mane and is only 2.

Submitted March 21, 2019 at 03:48PM by love_equines5
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#mylittlepony - #The Fanfic Recommendation Link-Swap Thread

The Fanfic Recommendation Link-Swap Thread

So, because it's No-Pics Thursday (March 21st, 2019) today, you know what that means...

It's time for the Weekly Fanfic Recommendation LINK-SWAP Game thread to continue!

Anyways, THE RULES (read 'em carefully):

  • Post a link to a fanfiction you like (can be your own as well - it's okay to self-promote), with or without a short blurb.

  • Important: Reply to someone else's post with a link to a fanfiction you think they might like, based on their choices.

  • Put each of your choices in a separate post if you want to make sure to get a recommendation based on each one. You may reply to someone else's reply, either to you or to someone else. Please make long discussion threads, they introduce a healthy bit of exploration and can help us find new interests! And that's it!

PLEASE COMPLETE BOTH STEPS 1 and 2. Don't just show up and ask for recommendations if you're not willing to provide any. I'll start the first few threads myself, and reply with a gentle reminder if you forget.

IMPORTANT NOTE. Thanks to /u/BookHorseBot (many thanks to their creator, /u/BitzLeon), you can now use the aforementioned bot to easily post the name, description, views, rating, tags, and a bunch of other information about a fic hosted on All you need to do is include "{NAME OF STORY}" in your comment (without quotes), and the bot will look up the story and respond to your comment with the info. It makes sharing stories really convenient. You can even lookup multiple stories at once.

Ready? Set? LET"S GO! Also, feel free to self-promote in here!

Last week's thread on March 14th, 2019.

Submitted March 21, 2019 at 11:59AM by Torvusil
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#mylittlepony - #[Spoiler] New Synopsis For season 9 opener reveals new character/details!

[Spoiler] New Synopsis For season 9 opener reveals new character/details!

Submitted March 21, 2019 at 02:24PM by Tyranid457TheSecond1
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#mylittlepony - #MLP: Equestria Girls Season 1 - 'Sunset Shimmer's Fine Line' Exclusive S...

MLP: Equestria Girls Season 1 - 'Sunset Shimmer's Fine Line' Exclusive S...

Submitted March 21, 2019 at 09:21AM by NewWillinium
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#horses - #I'm very late to the Snoot game. But here's Katy at my riding school

I'm very late to the Snoot game. But here's Katy at my riding school

Submitted March 21, 2019 at 12:31PM by L0rdLogan
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#mylittlepony - #Ponymote Madness #219

Ponymote Madness #219

Submitted March 21, 2019 at 10:12AM by Tyranid457TheSecond1
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#horses - #My equestrian 2016 was absolutely awesome. That's my mare called Lolita

My equestrian 2016 was absolutely awesome. That's my mare called Lolita

Submitted March 21, 2019 at 12:38PM by basherstx
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#horses - #About 8 years ago I've bought a stallion called Iphone. Now I live too far to see him every day but every single meeting is special. Love my Iphone to the moon and back

About 8 years ago I've bought a stallion called Iphone. Now I live too far to see him every day but every single meeting is special. Love my Iphone to the moon and back

Submitted March 21, 2019 at 12:46PM by fosteta
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#mylittlepony - #Official NPT Off-Topic Thread

Official NPT Off-Topic Thread

This is a weekly event coinciding (mostly) with NPT; off-topic and meta threads will be staggered so this week's off-topic thread is being submitted now and the meta thread was posted 12 hours ago. Next NPT will be the opposite! We do not ask that all off-topic discussion be kept to this submission; it is merely here as a courtesy and you are free to continue off-topic discussion in the comments of other submissions (off-topic submissions, however, are still a no-no). What if money really did grow on trees? Have fun!

Submitted March 21, 2019 at 01:00PM by Pinkie_Pie
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#mylittlepony - #MLP: Equestria Girls Season 1 - Twilight Sparkle Sings 'The Finals Count...

MLP: Equestria Girls Season 1 - Twilight Sparkle Sings 'The Finals Count...

Submitted March 21, 2019 at 11:54AM by NewWillinium
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#horses - #Spring is in the air...

Spring is in the air...

Submitted March 21, 2019 at 11:33AM by carbonarbonoxide
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#horses - #Hi!


Submitted March 21, 2019 at 11:12AM by pickinshed
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#mylittlepony - #Pony stuff you want to talk about but isn’t worthy of a dedicated thread! #46

Pony stuff you want to talk about but isn't worthy of a dedicated thread! #46

There are always things about the show I want to talk about, but I'd rather not always dedicate an entire full blown thread to it or it's never the right time to mention because no one would care. Maybe it's a thought that could be answered quickly enough to end discussion or something insignificant and stupid brewing in the back of your head for awhile! Anything you want to throw out to r/mylittlepony and say your piece!

Is there anything you've wanted to mention lately but never got around to it? Anything you want to speak up about for a bit? Any pony topic at all?

Submitted March 21, 2019 at 09:31AM by QABJAB
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#horses - #Petey’s got some floppy ears and is very photogenic 💞

Petey's got some floppy ears and is very photogenic 💞

Submitted March 21, 2019 at 10:31AM by interstellarpolice
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#horses - #Teaching 6 yr old granddaughter to ride, she wants to barrel race.

Teaching 6 yr old granddaughter to ride, she wants to barrel race.

Submitted March 21, 2019 at 10:14AM by Rustywoodpecker
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#mylittlepony - #been out of the fandom and haven't interacted since like 2017

been out of the fandom and haven't interacted since like 2017

so I have been gone for quite some time and actually haven't thought about mlp for about 2 years now but today while listening to 98.9 the rock in KCMO i heard an ad for brony con in june. it reminded me of the fun i used to have on plounge and mlp art school lol. maybe I'll fall back into the fandom sometime but I'm just not feeling it much lately xP anything significant happen since around 2017?

Submitted March 21, 2019 at 08:47AM by Lunar-Brony
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#horses - #Finally able to get out for a ride before dark!

Finally able to get out for a ride before dark!

Submitted March 21, 2019 at 01:08AM by unicornseatsparkles
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#horses - #My stallion Cornetto at only a few months old with his mom (Danish warmblood)

My stallion Cornetto at only a few months old with his mom (Danish warmblood)

Submitted March 21, 2019 at 08:23AM by Nygaard3
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#horses - #Little Desert strutting his stuff!

Little Desert strutting his stuff!

Submitted March 21, 2019 at 06:45AM by GeorgiaPhillips
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#mylittlepony - #Special agent derpy

Special agent derpy

Submitted March 20, 2019 at 11:02PM by toolaroola12
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#horses - #My 2 year old stallion, Cornetto, he is my pride and joy ❤

My 2 year old stallion, Cornetto, he is my pride and joy ❤

Submitted March 21, 2019 at 02:50AM by Nygaard3
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#mylittlepony - #My Little Pony on Reddit - Spring Forward, Meta Discussion

My Little Pony on Reddit - Spring Forward, Meta Discussion

Hi there! It's Thursday again and that means another chance to talk about what's been happening around here and how you feel about it!

Same as every other time, feel free to discuss whatever it is you'd like regarding our little subreddit good or bad. If you're unhappy we'll try our best to fix whatever problem you're having!

If you want to talk about the MLP fandom in general, that's fine too!

But some people may not want to talk about comics or anything else that hasn't happened yet, so you should be nice and hide those conversations from those people by using the spoiler tag.

If you don't know how it's as easy as making an emote:

>!It has ponies!!<

Becomes: It has ponies!

And if you're not wanting to discuss the subreddit or community specifically you can also check out the weekly off-topic thread that will be up at noon Pacific time!!!!

Have a great day, everyone!!

Submitted March 21, 2019 at 01:01AM by Pinkie_Pie
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#horses - #When you gotta roll..... You gotta roll.

When you gotta roll..... You gotta roll.

Submitted March 20, 2019 at 10:27PM by Rustywoodpecker
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