Sunday, August 4, 2019

#mylittlepony - #Man Threatened To Call The Police On Me Because Of MLP

Man Threatened To Call The Police On Me Because Of MLP

Me and my friend were at our local Target, and I had just purchased two My Little Pony Figures. I received a few strange looks from people in the store, but I couldn't blame them. I wouldn't expect a 15 year old male wearing punk-like clothing to be purchasing pink pony dolls. Anyway, we stepped out of the store and we sat down on the side of the building. I needed to open the figures and put them in my bag because I didn't want to carry multiple bags home. It did look a bit suspicious, a teenage boy with MLP toys, but nothing you'd lose sleep over. Eventually, a man stood next to us, staring at me with his arms crossed. He looked around 45, and he was clearly looking for my attention. We made eye contact and I heard him mumble something about ponies. He said a few more things I couldn't hear, but the one thing I heard clearly was along the lines of, "I might just call the cops on you." Obviously, I didn't feel very comfortable so I left before the situation got worse. What do you guys think? Is this crazy? Have you experienced something similar? Id like to know.

Submitted August 04, 2019 at 07:21PM by RainbowDash2004
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#horses - #This is my first horse Forest! We are going to work on putting on weight and muscle ❤️

This is my first horse Forest! We are going to work on putting on weight and muscle ❤️

Submitted August 04, 2019 at 10:25PM by dublecake
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#horses - #Simon Update: He is doing great, other than being picky about food (refuses the equine senior mash) but eating grass and other stuff great! Obligatory picture tax of him and my daughter a month ago doing their thing.

Simon Update: He is doing great, other than being picky about food (refuses the equine senior mash) but eating grass and other stuff great! Obligatory picture tax of him and my daughter a month ago doing their thing.

Submitted August 04, 2019 at 08:21PM by zivadorisophie
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#mylittlepony - #Apple Jack x Brigitte by Avonir

Apple Jack x Brigitte by Avonir

Submitted August 04, 2019 at 06:32PM by Torvusil
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#mylittlepony - #The party cannon sold at BC auction - The Finale

The party cannon sold at BC auction - The Finale

Submitted August 04, 2019 at 04:46PM by Sunnie_Daies
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#mylittlepony - #MA Larson signed this excavator

MA Larson signed this excavator

Submitted August 04, 2019 at 04:28PM by SpellboundCanvas
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#horses - #Our rescue came home today and got her first of many spa days to come 💕

Our rescue came home today and got her first of many spa days to come 💕

Submitted August 04, 2019 at 06:26PM by banditdoris
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#horses - #Finally got Scooter a proper bitless bridle, she looks stunning!

Finally got Scooter a proper bitless bridle, she looks stunning!

Submitted August 04, 2019 at 06:15PM by settleforskiba
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#horses - #My 22 yr old beautiful back luistano x Holsteiner mare. Hi from Natalie!

My 22 yr old beautiful back luistano x Holsteiner mare. Hi from Natalie!

Submitted August 04, 2019 at 03:17PM by rescuerocks5759
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#mylittlepony - #Anyone know the contact info for whoever sells these?

Anyone know the contact info for whoever sells these?

Submitted August 04, 2019 at 02:30PM by Rapid_Fire
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#mylittlepony - #10,215 people have attended the final Bronycon! Their highest attendance ever!

10,215 people have attended the final Bronycon! Their highest attendance ever!

Submitted August 04, 2019 at 04:04PM by Kevin-W
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#horses - #Rain begging for more treats after a good grooming. Hard to see but her lips were reaching out so hard for my hand!

Rain begging for more treats after a good grooming. Hard to see but her lips were reaching out so hard for my hand!

Submitted August 04, 2019 at 10:45AM by middle_sisTor9
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#mylittlepony - #Selfie with the Scoots! <3

Selfie with the Scoots! <3

Submitted August 04, 2019 at 01:44PM by notewise
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#horses - #Palestinian horse wonders what all this has to do with it. Issawiya, East Jerusalem.

Palestinian horse wonders what all this has to do with it. Issawiya, East Jerusalem.

Submitted August 04, 2019 at 11:56AM by thisisme201413
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#horses - #Candy. 20 year old blind mare. She’s as sweet as her name 🍭 🥰

Candy. 20 year old blind mare. She's as sweet as her name 🍭 🥰

Submitted August 04, 2019 at 01:55PM by sjournr
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#mylittlepony - #Water Those?? by DynamicLines

Water Those?? by DynamicLines

Submitted August 04, 2019 at 11:20AM by NewWillinium
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#mylittlepony - #Starlight's Look-alike by Nadairead

Starlight's Look-alike by Nadairead

Submitted August 04, 2019 at 08:54AM by zad1111
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#mylittlepony - #Here is a watercolor twilight sparkle done by me!

Here is a watercolor twilight sparkle done by me!

Submitted August 04, 2019 at 12:33PM by Naysoji
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#mylittlepony - #Smolder by midfire

Smolder by midfire

Submitted August 04, 2019 at 11:29AM by Torvusil
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#mylittlepony - #Bad Student by Yakovlev-vad

Bad Student by Yakovlev-vad

Submitted August 04, 2019 at 12:14PM by VanhaUkki
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#horses - #New mom with her child💖🤩😍😘

New mom with her child💖🤩😍😘

Submitted August 04, 2019 at 12:14PM by FollowingDreams01
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#mylittlepony - #Found this car parked in front of my apartment building

Found this car parked in front of my apartment building

Submitted August 04, 2019 at 10:59AM by jolie_boo
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#horses - #Met these two beauties on a walk today

Met these two beauties on a walk today

Submitted August 04, 2019 at 10:44AM by ranrell
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#mylittlepony - #Was playing around with my new markers, did this :)

Was playing around with my new markers, did this :)

Submitted August 04, 2019 at 09:09AM by Askerad
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#horses - #“More treats please”

"More treats please"

Submitted August 04, 2019 at 09:58AM by usehernamechexout
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#mylittlepony - #Thorax at BronyCon

Thorax at BronyCon

Submitted August 04, 2019 at 08:51AM by justineisgreat
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#mylittlepony - #Twilight vs Tempest by Andy Price

Twilight vs Tempest by Andy Price

Submitted August 04, 2019 at 09:03AM by zad1111
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#horses - #This is why I ALWAYS have a quick catch rope in my truck. This elderly horse ran across the street as I was driving to work. I caught him and went to the nearest house for help. Turns out he was TWO MILES from home. Put a spare lead in your car!

This is why I ALWAYS have a quick catch rope in my truck. This elderly horse ran across the street as I was driving to work. I caught him and went to the nearest house for help. Turns out he was TWO MILES from home. Put a spare lead in your car!

Submitted August 04, 2019 at 09:04AM by PaperPonies
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#horses - #His 'butt scritches' face

His 'butt scritches' face

Submitted August 04, 2019 at 08:10AM by Pikeur603
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#mylittlepony - #Your annual Sunset Shimmer pic by Alloco

Your annual Sunset Shimmer pic by Alloco

Submitted August 04, 2019 at 06:13AM by NewWillinium
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#horses - #My favorite view! My 7th ride on my 2 year old GRP - this pony is a rockstar. Show me your 'through the ears' pictures!

My favorite view! My 7th ride on my 2 year old GRP - this pony is a rockstar. Show me your 'through the ears' pictures!

Submitted August 04, 2019 at 07:39AM by 1ToughMother
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#horses - #Any love for a mule? Packing into the Pasayten Wilderness - Sunny Pass

Any love for a mule? Packing into the Pasayten Wilderness - Sunny Pass

Submitted August 04, 2019 at 08:03AM by reecee
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#mylittlepony - #The biggest fear by j24262756

The biggest fear by j24262756

Submitted August 04, 2019 at 06:13AM by NewWillinium
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#mylittlepony - #Rarijack by LooknamTCN

Rarijack by LooknamTCN

Submitted August 04, 2019 at 06:11AM by Xartah
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#horses - #Hello everyone, I am introducing my horse product line, simple soaps and sprays for your horses! They are formulated to clean and condition skin and coat for a healthy natural shine! Visit the website For more information!

Hello everyone, I am introducing my horse product line, simple soaps and sprays for your horses! They are formulated to clean and condition skin and coat for a healthy natural shine! Visit the website For more information!

Submitted August 04, 2019 at 07:13AM by Sunny_Palomino
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#horses - #My horse is challenging my identity as an English rider with his secret cowhorse agent skills. Advice?

My horse is challenging my identity as an English rider with his secret cowhorse agent skills. Advice?

A year ago I took ownership of Calipari (formerly owned and shown by Havens Schatt). Calipari (aka Con Fu) is a ten year old Holsteiner gelding whose only discipline has always been H/J shows.

He had some issues with being ridden by anyone other than her; said issues consisting of trying (and almost succeeding) to kill all of her employees that tried to ride him. According to her barn manager (my sister) he was great until you asked him to do something he didn't want to do, at which point he would do anything to you that he could. He also has EPM, but it's well controlled, and he has been treated for it again since I got him.

Anyway. Since I got him, I've been working with him using a lot of conditioning and desensitizing practices, gentle encouragement at building confidence and trust, and have had zero issues with him. He's never so much as spooked under saddle with me. We chalked this up to jumping just not being his preferred career, as sometimes happens, and shrugged it off. I've always ridden him English, with the main change being that I ride in a French link hunter dee with a running martingale, and I think Havens rode him in something with a little extra brake to it and draw reins. I also have about 20-30 lbs on anyone who works for Havens, and at least 60 pounds on the lady herself. I figured the extra weight made him more respectful of me, and I started him from scratch on groundwork.

While I was a little disappointed that he doesn't seem to care for show jumping, as I wanted to get back into it, frankly I've just been enormously grateful to have Fu as my trail buddy and training guinea pig. He's incredibly smart (he plays fetch with halters and will bring any of the other horses' halters and fly masks to the gate if they toss them in the pasture!!). Maybe smarter than me. But yesterday he blew my mind and I'm questioning what I want to do about it.

One of our Boer goats got out of her pen and into the gelding pasture. (I won't bore you with the details but it was partially my fault. I am dumb.) The donkeys and cow horse in the pasture ran away or side-eyed her. And then Fu noticed her and I swear to god he just immediately clicked into cow-horse brain.

I've never seen a horse perform maneuvers like a border collie. He was extremely gentle - didn't nip or even open his mouth at all, let alone hurt her - and it was clear from his movements (slow pace, but kept up, and mirrored her movements exactly...even pivoting about ninety degrees on one foot while jumping to the left) that he was actively trying to herd her. He could have trampled her, bit her, or kicked her at any moment. He chose not to.

He brought her across the pasture STRAIGHT TO ME (I take no credit for this, I was just standing there with my jaw on the ground), and when I ran through the open gate and signaled him to come to me, he brought her into the pen and then stood outside the gate with his head lowered, occasionally shifting to match her when she tried to turn around and dart past him. He stayed there, focused on her, until I ran back and got the gate closed and chained, then wandered off to the back gate to wait for his dinner (lol).

He's always liked to watch the goats but he's never exhibited behavior like this before. These goats have horns so I don't want to experiment with it and end up with him getting hurt, but I'm seriously considering bringing him out to meet some cows just to see if this may turn out to be his secret calling.

The issue is, I have no skills or knowledge of the sports of cutting and sorting. Like, none. I've always ridden English, since I was 7 (which means I'm officially over 20 years in the saddle!) and I'd have to completely restart him under Western tack, which I have a much less extensive knowledge about. But I'm willing to give it a shot - he needs a job, we've exhausted most of our trail options within riding distance, and he's bored.

Do y'all think this might be worth it? I don't know if it's smart or safe to bring him around cows, with his history, and while I don't mind the work of restarting him under Western saddle, I'm afraid of ruining him.

All advice welcome, just please be nice! Thanks!

Submitted August 04, 2019 at 02:25AM by beeasaurusrex
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#horses - #Donkeys get zoomies too! Sully had the whole herd going by the end.

Donkeys get zoomies too! Sully had the whole herd going by the end.

Submitted August 04, 2019 at 02:06AM by Ayla-l3
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#mylittlepony - #Finally found reddit pone an hour before closing at 1am

Finally found reddit pone an hour before closing at 1am

Submitted August 04, 2019 at 12:45AM by Saberooonie
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#mylittlepony - #Lost her at the con today and am really upset. Begging whoever found her to please turn her into lost and found :(

Lost her at the con today and am really upset. Begging whoever found her to please turn her into lost and found :(

Submitted August 04, 2019 at 12:48AM by Saberooonie
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#horses - #Ideas for a scavenger hunt on horseback?

Ideas for a scavenger hunt on horseback?

I'm planning a scavenger hunt for our stable and thought I'd ask you guys for some tips :) It's going to be roughly 15 people, all riding western style and we have a huge area to ride in (forests, fields, lakes...) and all adults.

I thought of doing to groups, one for the more timid/beginners and the other one for the more daring (maybe timed). Or doing pairs of people who normally don't really do anything together and maybe balance each other out to further the community ;)

We don't have any problems with riders doing stupid stuff/going to fast or disregarding their horses. I thought that taking lots of photos/videos would be nice so that we can share everything afterwards :)

It's only me and a friend planning and organising and can't transport big things (bridge and trail stuff is all on our riding square (what's the English word for that anyway?)).

Thank you guys heaps

Submitted August 04, 2019 at 01:15AM by 0pheliaa
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#mylittlepony - #I got it!

I got it!

Submitted August 04, 2019 at 12:21AM by RoccoRs3
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