Wednesday, October 3, 2018

#horses - #He loves face scritches after a long practice.

He loves face scritches after a long practice.

Submitted October 03, 2018 at 10:21PM by Ma1arkey
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#mylittlepony - #EqG Starlight Glimmer by daisymane

EqG Starlight Glimmer by daisymane

Submitted October 03, 2018 at 06:10PM by zad1111
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#mylittlepony - #Wow by Dragonfoxgirl

Wow by Dragonfoxgirl

Submitted October 03, 2018 at 08:40PM by Bluegodzill
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#mylittlepony - #Spike's Fist

Spike's Fist

Submitted October 03, 2018 at 04:47PM by Pony-Berserker
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#mylittlepony - #Sad Tempest by Heir of Rick

Sad Tempest by Heir of Rick

Submitted October 03, 2018 at 02:26PM by Sparroew
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#horses - #Did someone say, "Dinner"?

Did someone say, "Dinner"?

Submitted October 03, 2018 at 06:50PM by FireflyRave
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#horses - #Friend of mine had a mini donkey attacked. Blame is being put on the gelded jack she lives with. Thoughts?

Friend of mine had a mini donkey attacked. Blame is being put on the gelded jack she lives with. Thoughts?

To begin, the wound is pretty graphic. Also, the picture was taken after the vet had cut away inviable tissue, so the original wound pattern is probably not present. NSFL :

There are three mini donkeys in the 3-5 acre field. The ~10y/o jenny who was attacked, her 2 year old daughter, and an ~7y/o gelding. The gelding was a jack until the age of four or so, and has sired a few foals. There are two gelding horses in the field, one is a maybe 15y/o cowpony, and a 12 y/o qh, both quite laid back, usually leaving the donkeys to herd by themselves. Ample shelter space, nowhere to get cornered in it.

The gelded jack has been in this field with the jenny a year before her foal was born, so about three years. He acted studdish at first, but he was only gelded perhaps a month before he was put in with her. Mounted her a lot, but that kind of dwindled. Was never aggressive to the foal and the jenny has surely gone into heat many times since she foaled, so I doubt that would be a trigger.

The field is pretty remote, coyotes are definitely in the area. However, there are eight big dogs on the farm, who do not mess with the donkeys. They have, like my dogs and donkeys, a very healthy respect for them. Momma donkeys are very quick to remind a dog he's getting too close for her comfort. The dogs are usually around the field, which makes coyotes or foreign dogs less likely of a culprit.

List of suspects I can think of, ranked by likeliness (my opinion):

  1. Coyote(s). They are pretty numerous, and the bite is from behind, like she was being chased. See also: dog. What makes this unlikely is the fact donkeys usually attack coyotes, but these guys are minis. Also, the dogs always near the field should have made the coyote wary? Don't know.

  2. Foreign dog(s). About as likely as coyotes. Maybe more so because the donkeys are used to dogs? Also unlikely for the same reason as coyote, all the farm dogs around.

  3. Gelded jack. He still acts a tad studdish, but the size of this wound means he would have had to keep going back, right? And why would he do that? One bite shouldn't have destroyed all that tissue? Again, we have to take in to account the wound had already been cleaned up by the vet before the picture was taken, so, perhaps it was more obvious?

  4. Farm dogs. I've seen the majority of these babies cower to the donkeys, but they do like to run in a pack, maybe they suddenly got brave?

  5. Hurt herself on something sharp. Who knows on this one, half of the field is wooded, it's a guessing game.

  6. The horses

Usually with wounds on horses/equines, I don't worry about the cause. I just don't want the gelded jack unnecessarily sold or destroyed for no reason. Thoughts? Opinions?

Momma donkey is doing ok, she's getting stalled until it all scabs over.

Submitted October 03, 2018 at 04:15PM by BirdLadySadie
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#mylittlepony - #The Element Of Spring

The Element Of Spring

Submitted October 03, 2018 at 02:05PM by Seltonik
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#mylittlepony - #Dodo by Postcactus

Dodo by Postcactus

Submitted October 03, 2018 at 01:02PM by SmolderTheDragon
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#mylittlepony - #Friendly Scarf Sharing

Friendly Scarf Sharing

Submitted October 03, 2018 at 01:47PM by Seltonik
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#horses - #Mule and Horse Packing In the wilderness I can't believe its been that long

Mule and Horse Packing In the wilderness I can't believe its been that long

Submitted October 03, 2018 at 03:05PM by CBVTV
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#mylittlepony - #Lena Hall Wins a Tony and Shouts out MLP

Lena Hall Wins a Tony and Shouts out MLP

Submitted October 03, 2018 at 01:21PM by EthereumSchmereum
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#horses - #Any young riders here in europe, hahaa

Any young riders here in europe, hahaa

Hi there, was just wondering if there is any young riders out there, that's into little "horse" related chatting.
Little heads up, i don't really ride anything special. I am pretty much a mixed rider.

Submitted October 03, 2018 at 02:09PM by shuu1n
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#mylittlepony - #Praise the Sun by MirtaSH

Praise the Sun by MirtaSH

Submitted October 03, 2018 at 11:49AM by Seltonik
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#mylittlepony - #EQG Trixie and pony Starlight by 七目読

EQG Trixie and pony Starlight by 七目読

Submitted October 03, 2018 at 10:59AM by Valghern
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#horses - #My boy was photo bombed by his neighbour

My boy was photo bombed by his neighbour

Submitted October 03, 2018 at 12:01PM by QuizMizz
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#mylittlepony - #Grand Theft Derp

Grand Theft Derp

Submitted October 03, 2018 at 10:44AM by Seltonik
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#horses - #Lovely morning, there’s nothing more relaxing 😌

Lovely morning, there's nothing more relaxing 😌

Submitted October 03, 2018 at 11:08AM by Yezariel
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#mylittlepony - #Milkshake 3: Couples by RatofDrawn

Milkshake 3: Couples by RatofDrawn

Submitted October 03, 2018 at 08:44AM by Bluegodzill
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#mylittlepony - #A Kirin in Ms-Paint by sallycars

A Kirin in Ms-Paint by sallycars

Submitted October 03, 2018 at 05:01AM by xKiLLBiLL
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#mylittlepony - #Express with ur Horse by IDrawRariTwi

Express with ur Horse by IDrawRariTwi

Submitted October 03, 2018 at 07:06AM by Sparroew
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#horses - #Gotta love that "oh no, how did you end up on the ground" reaction

Gotta love that "oh no, how did you end up on the ground" reaction

Submitted October 03, 2018 at 08:11AM by Sahara_M27
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#mylittlepony - #*Over excited kirin noises

*Over excited kirin noises

Submitted October 03, 2018 at 07:07AM by Skittle-Dash
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#horses - #Horse Riding Holidays. 10 of the best destinations in the USA

Horse Riding Holidays. 10 of the best destinations in the USA

Submitted October 03, 2018 at 07:17AM by Tintagel50
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#mylittlepony - #AAAAA! by GreyscaleArt

AAAAA! by GreyscaleArt

Submitted October 03, 2018 at 01:00AM by Sparroew
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#mylittlepony - #Pull the Lever Spike by anontheanon

Pull the Lever Spike by anontheanon

Submitted October 03, 2018 at 05:30AM by Seltonik
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#horses - #Romeo, the day he was rescued and how he is today. I couldn't be happier. He is an amazing pony.

Romeo, the day he was rescued and how he is today. I couldn't be happier. He is an amazing pony.

Submitted October 03, 2018 at 07:14AM by horsefun
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#mylittlepony - #Good Cute Students by LupiArts

Good Cute Students by LupiArts

Submitted October 02, 2018 at 11:44PM by Sparroew
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#mylittlepony - #flanks_dont_lie.avi


Submitted October 03, 2018 at 12:29AM by rebane2001
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#mylittlepony - #Adorkable Twilight & Friends - “Three Mares And A Dragon"

Adorkable Twilight & Friends - "Three Mares And A Dragon"

Submitted October 03, 2018 at 03:37AM by zad1111
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#horses - #5 Winter Horse Care Tips You Should Know

5 Winter Horse Care Tips You Should Know

Submitted October 03, 2018 at 05:41AM by Tintagel50
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#mylittlepony - #Autumn Blaze by RaikohIllust

Autumn Blaze by RaikohIllust

Submitted October 02, 2018 at 10:13PM by Sparroew
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#mylittlepony - #Please, some of you mob tell me I wasn't the only one. Honestly, just one'll do me.

Please, some of you mob tell me I wasn't the only one. Honestly, just one'll do me.

Submitted October 03, 2018 at 12:50AM by PhucknuckL
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