Thursday, March 21, 2019

#mylittlepony - #This Week on the Plounge (Not a Good Week Edition)

This Week on the Plounge (Not a Good Week Edition)

Hello and again welcome to your weekly dose of 'delusional horse land': 'This Week on the Plounge' wherein I inform you, the fine folks of the mane sub, what's been going on at your favourite sister subreddit, the Plounge, this past week.

Wait, what is this Plounge you speak of?

The Plounge, or more formally the MLP Lounge is /r/mylittlepony's sister subreddit. Designed to be a place where you can free of the tyranny of rules 3 and 4. A chill place for bronies or anyone to talk in a SFW chat centric environment. It can be found over at /r/MLPLounge. (most of us browse by /new though). Oh and BPM is nice to have. Even if you're allergic to using emotes yourself you'll miss a lot of extra context without it.

What some casual conversation with a sprinkling of ponies? Come over to this introductions thread and meet some people. Don't worry there's also a topic so it ain't just "hi!" "hi" awkward silence.


  • The longest dark was the one before the first stars.


  • Sprankton is doing a classic Plounge thing, a Pokemon playthrough told via screenshots and captions. You can suggest nicknames for pokemans even, wow audience participation!

    • 51 - "Wherein We Actually Catch Them All"
  • Local movie buff OldMan frequently posts movie reviews. They're good, he knows his stuff.

Top Posts

The top 5 link and self posts, for your browsing content.

Self Posts

  • ...It hasn't been a very good week has it?
  • Here's some incite into toxic gamers, and even just toxicity in general.
  • Plounge is sort of already a secret (through obscurity) society, but there may, or may not, be many secret societies within it for specific ponies. This may or may not be one of them.
  • Condonie, the founder of the Dead Hour Thread, stops by to host one for old times'.
  • Personally, I've never seen any air pods, but to be fair I also hardly ever go outside.



(manually selected rather than just by score)

  • It's super strange how people can have such differing tastes even on just diet vs normal versions of things.

Submitted March 21, 2019 at 08:15PM by Jibodeah
via reddit

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