Wednesday, June 19, 2019

#horses - #Horse short strided in the front, new since 4 months ago

Horse short strided in the front, new since 4 months ago

I just picked up a new gelding yesterday. He's 13 and an appendix type. He is very short strided at the trot but normal at the walk and almost normal at the canter. He does trip more than normal too. I got him for free so I didn't get much info from the last owners. I did contact the owner before the one I got him from who sold him to them in February, and he said the horse was sound when he sold it to the last owners. The owners I got him from also said he reared on them once, and the old owner I talked to said he never even threatened anything like that. I don't think the old owner I found was lying, he seemed to be telling the truth and said he'd actually take the horse back if the short stridedness doesn't improve and I can't use him.

So my question is, what could have happened to this horse in the last 4 months that would make him so short strided? He's not head bobbing and it seems equal going both directions. After cantering east direction and going back to a trot he seems to lengthen his stride a bit, but is still very short strided. I got him as a replacement for a gelding who is out to pasture for a year or so from a ligament injury and I need to keep it as inexpensive as possible so I'm trying to not have the vet out if possible. Originally I thought navicular or bad arthritis, but if he wasn't this way in February that's hard to imagine. Maybe a shoulder on injury or soreness on both sides? He's wearing front shoes. Is there any cause I'm not thinking of?


Submitted June 19, 2019 at 09:04PM by Eelleepphhaanntt
via reddit

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