Thursday, October 12, 2017

#mylittlepony - #[2017 Movie] In Defense of the Movie...

[2017 Movie] In Defense of the Movie...

I have noticed some common criticisms floating around here about the movie, which I have also been guilty of writing in my initial review. However, after taking some time to reflect on it, maybe the movie's plot is not quite as mediocre as I originally thought.

If we take everything we know about the show and throw it into the trashcan before watching the movie (step into the shoes of the uninitiated if you will), it would be easier to not raise so many questions and criticisms about it.

For instance, anyone watching the film as their first MLP experience probably would not know about characters like Discord or, heck, they probably wouldn't even know that the Elements of Harmony exist which can solve the invasion problem pretty quickly. If you aren't already exposed to the MLP universe, you wouldn't really be aware of the creature rules, so things like an anthropomorphic cat, pig or whatever won't seem that jarring either.

If the movie decided to address all these "what about..." scenarios for those of us with plenty of knowledge about the show, it may end up being a time waster and may alienate the part of the audience that is unfamiliar with the show or don't know about all the possible solutions the Main 6 could've used. For what it's worth, the movie does an okay job at introducing what it needs to in order to get its story across. One thing I can think of that might have needed a little introduction is what the Sonic Rainboom is and its significance because it was mentioned a lot up until Rainbow actually performed it.

Another point I wanted to make is even if you watched the film after already being familiar with the show, you would know that the basic plot is very similar to what we are used to seeing from earlier seasons anyway. The Storm King may have been a typical, cocky villain that throws away his victory, but we already have seen plenty of those kind of villains in the show itself. I think the worst example is old Discord. He had victory literally in the palm of his hand, but he just decides to sit there while the Main 6 takes their sweet time to charge up their blast. The Storm King, however, got blindsided and at least made a decent effort to get his staff back and crystallize the Main 6 afterwards.

So, for those of you who have a "meh" opinion on the movie, what are your thoughts? Would you still have the same opinion if you looked at the movie from a different angle?

Submitted October 12, 2017 at 04:43PM by Rubes2525
via reddit

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