Thursday, June 1, 2017

#horses - #They know you're coming

They know you're coming

So, interesting story yesterday. I was visiting a friend of mine who has three horses, and she was busy with something unexpected when I arrived with my daughter. So we decided to walk over to the neighboring property where they are sometimes kept, to hang out with the horses for a while until she was ready to join us.

We got there and just chilled with them for at least a half hour, probably more. I was exploring their personalities and nuances, getting accustomed to how each behaves. The mare has this characteristic "don't touch me" mentality. She pins ears, pulling her head away like she can't be bothered to have physical contact. The two geldings are friendly enough, especially the brumby, who follows you around like a big puppy.

Suddenly, all three horses perked up and started staring toward the house, which is exactly 200 meters away across an open field. It got me curious if they could tell their owner was coming. Because I sure couldn't. I looked where they were looking. It was toward the setting sun, so I couldn't see much, and I'm sure they couldn't either. There was no sound at all.

Then, probably 45 seconds to a minute later, I heard the telltale whistle she gives when she comes to see the horses. All three then immediately began walking out to greet her.

This was really cool because people know their horses can sense them coming, but it's rare to actually see it in action from an outside perspective.

Here's a google aerial photo showing the layout. It's pretty amazing they could tell someone was coming so early.

Submitted June 01, 2017 at 06:54PM by Recon-777
via reddit

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