Thursday, November 28, 2019

#mylittlepony - #The r/mylittlepony Content Creators Thread!

The r/mylittlepony Content Creators Thread!

If you've paid close attention for the past few months, you've probably noticed a dramatic increase in fresh OC Content being submitted on this sub and that's fantastic! I love those types of posts and it keeps this place fresh and alive!

However, this being Reddit and all, there are often cases where you, the average starving artist, pour blood, sweat, and tears into creating cool pony art only to be ignored outright! Sometimes to the point where users tell me directly that they're discouraged from posting self-made content due to low views. I see it time and time again, and that's a real shame.

So in an effort to encourage all the shy or ignored artists of r/mylittlepony, I'm making a weekly Content Creator's showcase thread! I know there's dozens of users who create art and I'd like for you to share some! Post My Little Pony drawings/sketches, videos, music, fanfictions, cosplay, physical media created...

Basically, this is a "Shill and Chill" type of thread! If there's MLP content that you, a proud and loyal citizen of r/mylittlepony created, this is your golden chance to promote for free! The specific medium is irrelevant! But please post your works after NPT ends too!

Top 5 highest scoring OC submissions of the week!

Sample questions to get the ball rolling!

1. There is literally nothing stopping you from saying "I did this", posting said thing as a comment, and then abandoning the thread. So do that. Right now. Anything. Heck, go ahead and ignore the other questions/comments if you're shy, just post something you did once!
Don't forget to plug your Deviantart/Twitter/Youtube/FanFiction/Other alongside it! 2. Are you currently working on something? Give a status update! I hope you aren't slacking off right now... 3. What would it take for you to quit content creation entirely? 4. Are there any other creators (In your preferred field) you'd recommend lurkers check out? Who are they and why? 5. Got a million-dollar idea but you can't be bothered to do it yourself? Talk about it here! Maybe someone will be inspired to do it for you! 6. Today is Thanksgiving in the USA! you doing anything creative with that?

Awesome Creative Places to Subscribe to!

Submitted November 28, 2019 at 10:29AM by QABJAB
via reddit

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