Sunday, February 17, 2019

#mylittlepony - #All things end eventually

All things end eventually

I care about things. Most people do. While I am apathetic towards some things, for many others I have differing degrees of affection, whether positive or negative.

One of the things I care about is Back to the Future. Imagine a world where they announced a sequel -- a fourth movie -- intended to release in 2015, in accordance with the in-universe timeline. I would have had very strong feelings about that. I'm a cynic mostly, so you have to work hard to impress me, and this kind of announcement would have probably mad me angry. They would have then announced the director, or the writer, or some new cast member, and it would have made me rage.

By now you're probably thinking "Oh, he's one of those people who hated what became of MLP ever since Lauren Faust left." It's not true, but even if it were, that's not what I want to talk about. What I want to talk about is the reason behind those strong feelings.

In 2008, when Brian Goldner became CEO of Hasbro, he transformed the company -- from a toy manufacturer to an entertainment company. He no longer wanted to sell toys, but emotional experiences.

He very much succeeded, the proof of it being the gargantuan phenomenon that are the Transformers movies. But he is also responsible, indirectly, for the changes happening in Magic: the Gathering. And, more to the point, My Little Pony.

What is important here is that there is an emotional connection of some sort. Whether you think the show should have ended after season one, or perhaps want twenty seasons, whether you believe this character's reformation was stupid, or thought that the other character getting wings was amazing, whether you found the colour scheme was off, or were bothered by in-world inconsistencies, the one thing that is common is that you care.

The same way I care about Back to the Future, almost thirty years after it "ended".

All things end eventually. The key word here is "eventually". Things don't end when they stop, they end when we stop caring.

As far as I'm concerned, My Little Pony won't end for a very long time.

Submitted February 17, 2019 at 04:13AM by vikirosen
via reddit

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