Saturday, August 11, 2018

#horses - #Are there any exercises I can do to prevent my upper inner thighs hurting like hell for two days every time I ride?

Are there any exercises I can do to prevent my upper inner thighs hurting like hell for two days every time I ride?

I'm pretty new to this having only started taking lessons in May at age 41. Ive been taking lessons at least three times a month and think I'm progressing fairly well and am reasonably competent at rising trot and canter and have done a couple of tricksy things like leg yield and turn on a forehand. Despite this, my legs hurt like hell for two days every time I have a one hour lesson. Could it be my technique or is this a recognised thing I just have to put up with? I work a pretty physical job involving a lot of heavy lifting, but have never experienced pain in these muscles.

Submitted August 11, 2018 at 05:20AM by mistaoononymous
via reddit

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