Monday, March 5, 2018

#horses - #Secrets behind her smile

Secrets behind her smile

I see you in the hallway, I'm smiling, but I can't tell you why. Because you're not a horse obsessed person like I am. So you drive me to sharing my heart on Reddit...

Behind this smile there is pain. But not a bad pain. This pain has a purpose. Maybe all pain has a purpose. But this pain is special. It serves as a reminder of what I've done. Pain has a way of doing that.

I smile because I'm sore. Everything is sore, I had an amazing lesson and worked really hard. As a result I'm sore. But I can't share that with most people because they would not understand that my saying I'm sore isn't complaining but rather feeling victorious that I'm stronger today than before that lesson.

So I come here to you dear Reddit reader and share my pain with you. You understand. This pain is happiness.

Submitted March 05, 2018 at 07:08AM by JessieBear116
via reddit

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