Monday, September 4, 2017

#horses - #Horses and Hurricanes

Horses and Hurricanes

Hey horse people! I have recently relocated my horse to northern Florida (Pensacola area) and with Irma looking like it might head this way, I wanted to get some opinions on how to handle if the storm does hit us.

My horse is roughly 10 miles from the gulf on a great well maintained property. He has an indoor/outdoor stall and the property is surrounded by large pines though none close enough to hit the barn if they did fall. How concerned should I be if the hurricane does hit us and I can't get him trailered out? Our trailer situation is currently is up in the air and we are not sure if we are going to be able to resolve it before the storm hits. How concerned should I be? Is there anything I could do to prepare him?

Any thoughts on the issue is greatly appreciated.

Submitted September 04, 2017 at 07:12PM by horse_thoughts
via reddit

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