Thursday, April 20, 2017

#horses - #Need advice on situation...

Need advice on situation...

So starting from the beginning, a very nice girl (early 20s) came out to try a horse of mine to lease that my ad stated was green and needed a very experienced rider due to a lack of riding time. This girl came out after leading me to believe she "trains horses with her grand prix level trainer". After riding and obviously being a beginner, she told me she had actually only been riding around 2 years and only English for 1 of those years. Luckily my horse was a saint and nothing bad happened. But I immediately began questioning this girl's trainer for misleading her into thinking she was capable of riding green horses. Not a very safe situation for her to be in. When I rejected the girl for the lease she handled it very well and has stayed very friendly. So I did a little research on her trainer and found he is pretty young too (low to mid 20s) and posts pictures on Facebook with horses bucking like broncs and pictures with very poor jumping position. He is supposed to be a dressage and hunter/jumper trainer. So things were starting to add up that maybe this guy should not consider himself a professional trainer and instructor... There was an equestrian event in my area recently and I met a young trainer who acted very overly-confident and I asked his name out of curiosity (and interest in making sales to training barns). It turns out this was the trainer the potential lessor had told me was her trainer. After he mentioned his name I said I had heard of him and when he asked by who I told him the girl's first name. He immediately very loudly in front of many people at the vendor booths said something along the lines of "oh is she a fat ugly retarded looking girl" and went further to mention how he can say that because he has "retarded siblings" and proceeded to insult her riding, financial situation, and weight extensively. I was so shocked and in work mode so all I could say was "she is such a nice person" and brush off everything else he was saying. The girl is chunky but not morbidly obese by any means and he could not stop making fun of her size, yet his barn owner that pays him and rides is larger than this girl. I can't believe she (barn owner) would keep a guy around that would insult someone so openly. Granted she (barn owner) wasn't there right then but if he talked that way so loudly in front of tons of people I couldn't imagine it is a rare for him to talk that way.

Anyways to end my rant and get to the main point. I am not sure what I should do in regards to the girl he was talking poorly about. I feel like if she is still using him as her trainer that she should know he is such a disgusting person and that she deserves better. So my concern is that saying something to her might just cause her pain - maybe ignorance is bliss, or if she went to him it could negatively impact my reputation and possible sales. I also don't know her well enough to know if she would think I was lying and tell him, or if she would actually find another trainer who treats her better. I obviously don't want to get involved but I also can't stand the idea of this poor girl being talked about like that by her trainer behind her back. Any input?

EDIT: I also want to add that it seems he didn't seem to see her as his student and actually referred to her as a charity case because "he is nice to people and likes to help" RIGHT. I will probably be seeing her at a show this weekend so I guess I can scope out the situation some as to whether or not she actually rides with him still or not?

Submitted April 20, 2017 at 02:27PM by traveler711
via reddit

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