Thursday, February 27, 2020

#mylittlepony - #My Little Pony kept me going even through depression.

My Little Pony kept me going even through depression.

This is a love note, a passionate one.

Recently, I took some time to watch the last 4 seasons of MLP:FiM (I had stopped after season 5), even though I enjoy some shows way more, and my time is very scarce. Why did I take the time to do this then? Gratitude.

The year was 2015, I was goind through a very tough time in my life; battling through a family breakdown, debts, delusions of love and depression. Then I found My Little Pony, this silly childrens show...Little did I know.

It honestly saved me, and I know I was not the only one. Twi, Pinkie, Fluttershy, Rarity, Dash and Applejack were my best friends for some time (I don't care how pathetic that sounds) and kept me believing things would get better.

Well, now things are better. Way better. And this show had fallen on a limbo for me. Until recently, when a friend of mine asked me about my experience with depression, and then the memory gate opened, and ponies fluttered through the conversation. So I gave the show its due and watched it all the way through.

I will be forever thankful for these ponies and the Brony community. And I have no doubt that everytime I see something MLP related, I'll retribute with a smile.

Submitted February 27, 2020 at 03:08PM by Hesick
via reddit

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