Thursday, February 27, 2020

#mylittlepony - #How much of her past will Alicorn Twilight divulge to her students 1,000+ years from now?

How much of her past will Alicorn Twilight divulge to her students 1,000+ years from now?

Celestia never really talked about her foalhood, teen years or young adulthood with Twilight (aside from quick, extremely vague comments).

Will Twilight be different? Thousands of years from now, will Twilight talk to her faithful students about how antisocial she used to be, about her adventures, about her Ponyville friends and the other friends that she made, or will she keep herself regal and mysterious like Celestia?

Submitted February 27, 2020 at 10:25AM by Tyranid457TheSecond1
via reddit

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