Wednesday, April 24, 2019

#horses - #We lost our foal today.

We lost our foal today.

As the title says we lost our foal this morning at 2am, foal was 36 hrs old. It was a dummy foal but I'm confident it would have survived if all the vets in our area hadn't refused to see her and told me I was overreacting. That makes this death even more painful. We live in a very rural area so there aren't many options when it comes to vets, we did everything we could have done at home.

I'm looking for a little guidance from people who know more than me. I left the foal where she died so that mama could grieve and once mama accepts the loss and leaves we will remove baby. Mama (mini horse) has been with our goats for her pregnancy, she wanted nothing to do with our other mini (gelding) and constantly fought with him, so he's with our donkey and she's been with the goats.

How do I help her grieve? Is there anything I can do? Should I keep her with the goats? Should I buy a newly weaned foal for her to "adopt"? I'm so heartbroken for her. I'll do anything to make this easier for her.

Submitted April 24, 2019 at 08:11AM by Fuzzy-Goat
via reddit

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