Monday, February 18, 2019

#horses - #I may have finally found a horse to ride.

I may have finally found a horse to ride.

I came back home this morning from the bus stop at the highway, and, kid you not, I saw a horse lazily grazing off the grass. I approached and tested if it was friendly, and to my surprise, it was!

To make it short, I found the owner and sweetalked him into letting me ride it for a few minutes; And it felt great to finally be on top of a horse after decades of just watching them from afar while on the bus.

I made a million promises, among them to keep it clean and maintain its tack, all of which I intend to follow through if it gets me more rides (even if I have to pay to take the horse while doing all those tasks for free).

So here I am now, to ask you for sources to advanced horse cleaning and tack caring. I know the basics, but I have never had to take of a horse before. I'm in my mid 30s and this will be a nice challenge as well as another reason to stay fit after my vacations at the sea instead of being a couch potato and nesting at the computer until I lay eggs.

Any help is welcome!

Submitted February 18, 2019 at 10:49AM by RafeHaab
via reddit

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