Thursday, August 16, 2018

#horses - #What would you do?

What would you do?

So my horse is agisted at this place with small paddocks and a herd of 8 horses on a large 20 acre paddock. There are yearlings in the front paddocks, and a great roundyard, but it has a pony stallion in it. He lives in there. Ive had my horse there for about 2 months now, and the fences (electric top tape with tape middle wire on star pickets) have been broken down atleast 5 times so far that I know of. He can't be put in the small paddocks, as they are flooded and I don't trust how much hay gets put out even though I hard feed him daily. He is 4, fresh off the track. I really dont want him to learn to run through fencing. I also don't want him to be injured by the fencing! I talked with the woman about it. She fixed the fence but it was run through again. I really like the community of people, but I am getting pretty over the lack of safety. What would you do?

Submitted August 16, 2018 at 07:40AM by JimmyRicardatemycat
via reddit

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