Thursday, July 5, 2018

#mylittlepony - #Zebra Nation

Zebra Nation

What if it turned out that we haven't seen the Zebra homeland in the show as of yet because it was actually hidden, not by a spell but by advanced technology that allows the nation to flourish inperturbed by the constant monster attacks and wars that plagued pony society?

Indeed, what if the entirely of Zebra society was far more advanced than pony society as a result of this, and Zecora was only an agent sent to monitor Equestria because of the return of Nightmare Moon and the rise of Twilight and her friends as new weilders of the Elements of Harmony?

Would this reveal make up for the almost zero lore development for zebras over the course of the series, or would fans call foul on this being the obvious Wakanda reference that it is?

Submitted July 05, 2018 at 07:46AM by TheKnackerman
via reddit

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