Monday, August 14, 2017

#mylittlepony - #Story of a fan, in three parts

Story of a fan, in three parts

Part One: My husband and I were eating lunch with a friend years ago when I mentioned I'd watched a couple of the new MLP episodes. They're different from when I was a little girl (I'm a 31 year old woman and have most of my ponies from childhood), but it's cute and I like Rainbow Dash. My husband went to the bathroom, and our friend confided that he also watched the show, loved it, and Pinkie Pie was his favorite. I assumed he wanted me to keep my mouth shut about this, so I did.

Part Two: My friend died a year ago last Saturday. He had a brain tumor, then meningitis from the operation. He slipped through our fingers so slowly, yet so quickly. His mother was going through his things before the funeral and found a cigar box with MLP trading cards and a few small ponies. She was shocked and confused. I laughed and told her about my previous conversation, and that it made him happy, and Pinkie Pie was his favorite. She always loved her son, and it wouldn't have mattered what he liked as long as he was alive and happy.

Part Three: His Pinkie Pie is on my bookshelf along with several MLP comics we found in the trunk of his car. I actually prefer the comics to the show, and maybe someday I will buy more. It's been a rough year, but having that pony on our shelf comforts me because she represents his presence and how he trusted me that time so long ago.

Submitted August 14, 2017 at 07:42AM by Toasterfoot
via reddit

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