Friday, August 18, 2017

#horses - #Tips for relocating horse? (Haul and adapting to new climate)

Tips for relocating horse? (Haul and adapting to new climate)

I'm moving my horse from northern Michigan to Missouri soon. I'm looking for tips on keeping him happy while hauling (it's a 10+ hour drive for him) and mostly while adjusting to the new area.

He's being hauled commercially, so I know it's best to leave off any wraps or boots because haulers won't fix them if they get loose or messed up.

I got some electrolytes that I'll add to his feed the day before he leaves. Should I also invest in paste probios or anything? Some have said it helps with the stress of hauling.

I'm most concerned about him adapting to the new climate. August is still really hot and humid in Missouri compared to what he's used to, and he'll contine to live outside. I'll keep at it with the electrolytes at least for the first week or so, but is there anything else I should do to help him?

He's 17 and not currently being worked, if that makes any difference.

Submitted August 18, 2017 at 07:03AM by Someusername18
via reddit

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