Saturday, July 15, 2017

#horses - #SI Pain in my 2 year old

SI Pain in my 2 year old

Hey guys, so I own a 2 year old QH mare who about a month ago seemed quite stiff in her hind end at the walk. I had the vet come out and look at her and she couldn't find anything other than a little bit of soreness at the SI joint. She gave me some bute and said to keep lightly exercising her. I put my mare on the bute for about two weeks and lunged her every other day or so briefly, no real improvement. I had the chiro come out and look at her several days ago, and she said she felt pretty good and couldn't find anything majorly wrong. I believe my mare is going through a growth spurt right now, and she is currently very high in her hind end. Could her growing be causing this? I know both her sire and dam personally so she will ultimately have wonderful conformation, her dam just tends to produce babies who grow really high in the hind end really fast. My mare also had physitis as a weanling due to her rapid growth. She has recently put on a lot of weight and I believe she's grown quite a bit so I'm hoping that's all it is and it's nothing more serious. Would love some input because I'm already drowning in vet bills and would rather avoid expensive evaluations! Thanks!

Submitted July 15, 2017 at 01:14AM by knixxn
via reddit

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