Thursday, April 13, 2017

#mylittlepony - #VS.


It's a time honored tradition, at least in comic books, for the heroes to have a falling out with one another. What starts as an arguement and some fraying nerves eventually spirals into a series of uncomfortable confrontations and betrayles, both real and imagined.

Probably the best example MLP has to offer of this trope comes in the episode Fall Weather Friends. Though the conflict between Rainbow Dash and Applejack never reaches the point of a straight up fight, it is all out war between the two as they try to determine who is the most athletically gifted.

While it is a sign of character growth that as time has gone on, these kinds of conflicts among the Mane 6 have become less and less likely. As they become closer friends, the kinds of misunderstandings that would lead to open conflict just... don't really happen. Even when they do, conflicts are typically resolved in a diplomatic way, like in the season 6 episode P.P.O.V.

But what if that weren't the case? What if there was some pigtail misunderstanding, some absolute falling out that pitted friends against one another? Hero vs. Hero. Friend against Friend.

What fight would you most be interested in seeing? Applejack vs Pinkie Pie? Rarity vs. Rainbow Dash? Or something unexpected like Starlight Glimmer vs Spike?

Their still friends and they still care about one another, but for some reason they must fight! What fight would you love to see?

Submitted April 13, 2017 at 08:48AM by TheKnackerman
via reddit

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