Thursday, April 6, 2017

#mylittlepony - #Let us Take Time to Mourn...

Let us Take Time to Mourn...

A travesty has struck us. An action more horrible than the invasion of shoddy plastic in the war of the gods... Our amazing hard work, the time we spent our blood, tears, sweat, and emotional stability, has been denied.

The great pixel Dashie has been taken off the reddit header, in favor of a strange and unusual number ten. Why is there a ten there? Why is it presented to us? Does it want anything to do with me?

Oh so many questions we will likely never see the answer to, for we are all lost in grieving over our Dashie... Our glorious Dashie...

Please, we beg, we beg of you, mysterious ten, REVEAL YOUR PURPOSE TO US!!! Let us know that your existence is not a cruel joke on our dedicated work...

-GM, master of episode countdown.

Submitted April 06, 2017 at 07:12AM by GMBlackjack
via reddit

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