Thursday, August 29, 2019

#mylittlepony - #A Meeting of Sombras

A Meeting of Sombras

So we have had a LOT of King Sombras over the years of varying moods, temperament, and lucidity. Some were Good, Intelligent, and kind to a fault. Others were Moody, somber, bitter, and prideful.

Still others were self sacrificing, evil, and feral. Another more recent one was Prideful, Arrogant, Smug, and dangerously cunning and powerful.

But let us say that there is a fracture in the time Space Continuum and all of these Sombra's were knocked around and thrown into a locked room together? How would each of these Sombra's react to seeing other hims? Would they be angered at the sight of these pretenders?

Would they take accept grimly that in all timelines or worlds that they are monsters? Would one proclaim themselves as the only true Sombra? How would each of these Sombra's react to eachother and their behaviors and attitudes?

And how would the Good King Sombra react to seeing not only his alternative selves . . . but his own future evil self as well?

Give me your thoughts down below! I am interesting in where your imaginations will take you.

Submitted August 29, 2019 at 05:20AM by NewWillinium
via reddit

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