Tuesday, June 18, 2019

#horses - #Is it legal to warn people about a seriously dangerous boarding facility?

Is it legal to warn people about a seriously dangerous boarding facility?

Hello all!

So the private barn I just left 6 weeks ago is now seeking out new boarders because the barn owner ran off every single boarder (5 horses gone nearly overnight).

The biggest reason was that the barn owner's dog would chase and attack the horses. He had a German Shepherd and the dog was a puppy when I moved my horse there in the fall. The barn owner is a POS and keeps the dog in a garage all day with littler interaction. The dog's yard is surrounded by the horse pasture. As the dog got older it made a game out of jumping out of its yard and into the horse pasture to chase the horses. We warned the b/o about this for months and nothing changed. The dog's behavior escalated to the point where it would jump up and attack the horses drawing blood. The dog is full grown now and it's not a game, it's a horse aggressive attack dog that's caused myself and 1 other boarder hundreds of dollars in vet bills. Despite witnessing the attacks the B/o insisted that the horses were attacked by a mountain lion and not his dog. He also refused to cover any vet bills caused by his dog. (I'm planning on going to small claims court to hold him accountable.)

So all of the other boarders and I left that place immediately. Now the barn is totally empty and the b/o looks like he's posting ads on Craigslist to fill up the pasture. I know that if another horse is in that pasture, it will get seriously injured. It's a small private farm so it's not like a lot of people know about what happened. It's also such a rare thing to have a horse aggressive dog that I wouldn't believe it if I hadn't seen it myself. If you went to go look at the place you'd have no way of knowing that a German Shepherd would be jumping the fence and attacking your horse as it's exercise program MULTIPLE times a day.

So I'm tempted to post something on Craigslist where the barn is currently being advertised. I'm not planning on lying or saying anything that isn't 100% factual. If it were me, I would want someone to speak up. How bad of an idea is this? How would you guys handle the situation?

Submitted June 18, 2019 at 02:08AM by equkelly
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/Horses/comments/c1zj28/is_it_legal_to_warn_people_about_a_seriously/?utm_source=ifttt

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