Friday, December 21, 2018

#horses - #So proud of my gal today!

So proud of my gal today!

My mare did something today that blew my mind! It may seem petty to some of you but to me it was a gigantic leap for her.

Anyway my boyfriend's mom gave us a bag of apples that went soft to give to the horses when we gave them their dinner ( my boyfriend's brothers 2 horses and my mare) well I figured I'd give most of the apples to them then give them their hay.

My mare will not take any kind of food from your hand or even a bucket if she's not on a lead rope because her previous owners (boyfriends brother) would trick her into being caught by holding out an apple in one hand and hiding a lead rope behind their back and as soon as my mare would come close enough and sink her teeth into the apple they would snap the lead on the halter they left on her for 4 years.

I held out an apple for her to take both my hands were visible I had 2 other apples in my other hand she walked up and smelled it then backed away very quickly, so I gave the apple to another horse he munched on it happily I held out another apple for her she came up and barely put her lips on it then quickly backed away I still held it out for her, she came back again and this time she brushed her teeth over it then again backed away but I still held it out for her she finally came up and sunk her teeth into the apple but she didn't take it she stood there almost like she was waiting for me to slap a lead rope on her then she gently took it out of my hand and ate it happily.

I tried to get her to take another one but she wouldn't unless I tossed it to her.

This was a huge step for her to willingly take a treat from my hand while off the lead because in the 2 years I've owned her I haven't been able to get her to take even the tastiest treats from my hand when she isn't on a lead. Even my boyfriend's jaw was on the ground when he seen her take it.

I thought I'd share this with fellow horse people ☺️

Submitted December 21, 2018 at 07:10PM by Crazyhorselady6689
via reddit

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